
Video: Androgen-ablation therapy (AAT) associated autophagy

        Does androgen-ablation therapy (AAT) associated autophagy have a pro-survival effect in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells? Haley L. Bennett, Jacqueline Stockley†, Janis T. Fleming, Ranadip Mandal, Jim O'Prey*, Kevin M. Ryan*, Craig N. Robson† and Hing Y. Leung Urology Research Laboratory and *Tumour Cell Death Research Laboratory, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, and †Solid Tumour Target Discovery Group, Northern Institute…

The indwelling Foley Catheter; an anachronism

The Simon Foundation for Continence was founded in 1982 by Cheryle Gartley to bring the subject into the open, remove the stigma surrounding incontinence and provide help and hope to the individuals. their families and their healthcare professionals. As President, Cheryle invited Roger Feneley, Calvin Kunin and David Stickler to the Foundations’ third conference in the series entitled Innovating  for Continence: The Engineering Challenge in 2011, to talk about catheter drainage of the bladder. …

Video: Genetic predisposition to early recurrence in clinically localized prostate cancer

     Genetic predisposition to early recurrence in clinically localized prostate cancer Ángel Borque, Jokin del Amo†, Luis M. Esteban*, Elisabet Ars§, Carlos Hernández**, Jacques Planas¶, Antonio Arruza††, Roberto Llarena‡, Joan Palou§, Felipe Herranz**, Carles X. Raventós¶, Diego Tejedor†, Marta Artieda†, Laureano Simon†, Antonio Martínez†, Elena Carceller, Miguel Suárez, Marta Allué¶, Gerardo Sanz* and Juan Morote¶ ‘Miguel Servet’ University…

Video: Commentary by Dr Arrabal-Polo on the calcium : citrate ratio.

 Importance of citrate and the calcium : citrate ratio in patients with calcium renal lithiasis and severe lithogenesis Miguel Angel Arrabal-Polo*, Miguel Arrabal-Martin*,  Salvador Arias-Santiago**†, Juan Garrido-Gomez‡, Antonio PoyatosAndujar§ and Armando Zuluaga-Gomez** Department of Urology, San Cecilio University Hospital, **Department of Medicine, Baza Hospital, †Department of  Medicine, University of Granada, and ‡Departments of Traumatology and §Biochemistry, San…

A Tale of Four Prostates

There was a time when doctors were reluctant to tell patients the truth about a diagnosis of cancer, and even more unwilling to discuss any illness from which they themselves suffered.  John Anderson broke the mould last year when he made a public announcement about his newly diagnosed liver metastases, which subsequently turned out to be the result of secondary spread of adenocarcinoma of the prostate. John was President Elect of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) at the…

Twitterboards: EAU 2013

    Declan Murphy explains Twitterboards; one of the key social media features in use at EAU 2013 Congress. Follow BJUI on Twitter.

Every Month Matters: Living with Prostate Cancer

  This video tells the story of Matt, who was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and told he only had two years to live. Nine years after he was diagnosed, Matt and his family share their experience of living with prostate cancer and how the diagnosis affected their lives. Every Month Matters is a disease awareness campaign funded by Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. Please visit the campaign website Every Month Matters for more information. BJUI have no conflict of interest.…
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