Video: Guideline of guidelines: social media in urology
The purpose of this article is to review professional guidelines on the use of social media in urology, and outline best practice principles that urologists and other healthcare providers can reference when engaging in online networks.

Visual abstract: Guideline of guidelines: social media in urology
Visual abstract
Guideline of guidelines: social media in urology

March 2020 – about the cover
The Article of the Month for March 2020 - Guideline of guidelines: social media in urology - was written by Drs Stacy Loeb and Jacob Taylor, who are based in New York City. The cover features the Manhattan skyline as seen from New Jersey, famous for its skyscrapers, which have been built there on bedrock left over from the last ice age at ever-increasing heights since the 1890s, and the song by Norwegian band A-ha. The skyline was dominated by the 1930s-built Empire State and Chrysler buildings…

Article of the week: Update on the guideline of guidelines: non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer
Every week, the Editor-in-Chief selects an Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.
In addition to this post, there is also a video produced by the authors. Please use the comment buttons below to join the conversation.
If you only have time to read one article this week, we recommend this one.

Video: Update on the guideline of guidelines: non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer
Update on the guideline of guidelines: non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer
Non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is the most common form of bladder cancer, with frequent recurrences and risk of progression. Risk‐stratified treatment and surveillance protocols are often used to guide management. In 2017, BJUI reviewed guidelines on NMIBC from four major organizations: the American Urological Association/Society of Urological Oncology, the European Association of…

Residents’ podcast: NICE Guidance – Transurethral water jet ablation for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia
Nikita Bhatt is a Specialist Trainee in Urology in the East of England Deanery and a BURST Committee member @BURSTUrology
NICE Guidance – Transurethral water jet ablation for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia
1.1 The evidence on transurethral water jet ablation for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) raises no major safety concerns. The evidence on efficacy is limited in quantity. Therefore,…

Residents’ podcast: NICE Guidance – Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management
Mr Joseph Norris is a Specialty Registrar in Urology in the London Deanery. He is currently undertaking an MRC Doctoral Fellowship at UCL, under the supervision of Professor Mark Emberton. His research interest is prostate cancer that is inconspicuous on mpMRI. Joseph sits on the committee of the BURST Research Collaborative as the Treasurer and BSoT Representative.
NICE Guidance – Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men,…

Residents’ podcast: NICE guidelines: Urinary tract infection
Nikita Bhatt is a Specialist Trainee in Urology in the East of England Deanery and a BURST Committee member @BURSTUrology
NICE guideline: Urinary tract infection (lower): antimicrobial prescribing
This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for lower urinary tract infection (also called cystitis) in children, young people and adults who do not have a catheter. It aims to optimise antibiotic use and reduce antibiotic resistance.
See also the following related NICE…

Article of the month: Guideline of guidelines: testosterone therapy for testosterone deficiency
Every month, the Editor-in-Chief selects an Article of the Month from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on this Testogen review to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.
In addition to the article itself, there is a visual abstract produced by one of our creative urologist colleagues and a video prepared by the authors; we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each…

Video: Guideline of guidelines: testosterone therapy for testosterone deficiency
Guideline of guidelines: testosterone therapy for testosterone deficiency
We analysed the guidelines for testosterone therapy (TTh) produced by major international medical societies including: the American Urological Association, European Association of Urology, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, British Society for Sexual Medicine, Endocrine Society, International Society for Sexual Medicine, and the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male, and…