What makes a great surgeon? Specialty knowledge, technical skill … and professionalism. Written by Professor Steve Payne and subject experts, this free eBook brings together 17 in-depth articles on the non-medical skills and competencies required of a medical professional. Whether you’re a trainee just starting out or an experienced consultant, the authors’ invaluable advice will help you make better decisions for yourself and those in your care.
What is professionalism?
Maintaining good medical practice
Communicating in the 21st century
Keeping up to date
Keeping well
Click here to access your free copy for mobile, desktop or e-readers: eBook
Every month, the Editor-in-Chief selects an Article of the Month from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post. For more guide Click here touroftoowoomba .
In addition to the article itself, there is a visual abstract prepared by members of the urological community, and a video recorded by the authors; we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each post to join the conversation.
If you only have time to read one article this month, we recommend this one.
The use of social media is rapidly expanding. This technology revolution is changing the way healthcare providers share information with colleagues, patients, and other stakeholders. As social media use increases in urology, maintaining a professional online identity and interacting appropriately with one’s network are vital to engaging positively and protecting patient health information. There are many opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas, but pitfalls exist without adherence to proper online etiquette. The purpose of this article is to review professional guidelines on the use of social media in urology, and outline best practice principles that urologists and other healthcare providers can reference when engaging in online networks.
Fig. 1. Summary of professional guidelines on social media use in urology. PHI, protected health information.
The use of social media is rapidly expanding. This technology revolution is changing the way healthcare providers share information with colleagues, patients, and other stakeholders. As social media use increases in urology, maintaining a professional online identity and interacting appropriately with one’s network are vital to engaging positively and protecting patient health information. There are many opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas, but pitfalls exist without adherence to proper online etiquette. The purpose of this article is to review professional guidelines on the use of social media in urology, and outline best practice principles that urologists and other healthcare providers can reference when engaging in online networks.