Tag Archive for: peer review


Thank You To All Our 2020 Peer Reviewers

We would particularly like to thank the following individuals who are the top reviewers for the journal in 2020, all with ≥10 reviews

Nathan Lawrentschuk Sima Porten
Tobias Klatte Roderick van den Bergh
Sigrid Carlsson Stephan Madersbacher
Riccardo Autorino Niranjan Sathianathen
Matthew Roberts Yair Lotan
Alexander Cole Asif Muneer

We are extremely grateful to all our reviewers for their time and hard work during an incredibly difficult year

Aastha Abdollah, Firas Abel, E. Abouassaly, Robert
Abrams, Paul Abreu, Leonardo Acher, Peter Adolfsson, Jan
Adshead, James Ahdoot, Michael Ahlawat, Rajesh Ahlgren, Johan
Ahluwalia, Puneet Ahmad, Imran Ahmed, Hashim Ahmed, Kamran
Aho, Tev Ajayi, Leye Al Jaafari, Feras Alam, Ridwan
Albersen, Maarten Albertsen, Peter Alhasso, Ammar Alifrangis, Constantine
Allaway, Matthew Aloj, Luigi Alzweri, Laith Aminsharifi, Alireza
Anderson, Christopher Anderson, Mark Anderson, Paul Andolfi, Ciro
Antonelli, Jodi Apostolidis, Apostolos Armitage, James Arndt, Volker
Arora, Sohrab Arsov, Christian Ashrafi, Akbar Assimos, Dean
Averbeck, Marcio Aydin, Abdullatif Baack Kukreja, Janet Baard, Joyce
Babjuk, Marek Badlani, Gopal H. Bahnson, Robert Bajic, Petar
Bajpai, Minu Balasubramanian, Adithya Ball, Mark Bandini, Marco
Bangma, Chris Barber, Neil Barod, Ravi Barrett, Tristan
Baumgarten, Adam Beard, David Becerra, Maria Becher, Edgardo
Bedke, Jens Behre, Hermann Beisland, Christian Belenchon, Ines
Bell, Richard Berglund, Anders Betschart, Cornelia Bex, Axel
Bhandari, Mahendra Bhat, Seetharam Bhatt, Jaimin Bhatt, Nikita
Bhindi, Bimal Bianchi, Daniele Bianchi, Lorenzo Birkhäuser, Frédéric
Birkhäuser, Veronika Biyani, Chandra Bjartell, Anders Blackmur, James
Blazeby, Jane Blecher, Gideon Blick, Christopher Blok, Bertil
Bloom, Jonathan Boddy, Jane Bogaert, Guy Bokhorst, Leonard
Bolgeri, Marco Bolton, Damien Boone, Timothy Borkowska, Edyta
Bose, Pradeep Boström, Peter Bratt, Ola Brehmer, Marianne
Brewin, James Brewster, Simon Briganti, Alberto Bromage, Steve
Brooks, Nathan Brouwer, Oscar Brown, Christian Brown, Matthew
Bryan, Richard Bryant, Richard Budäus, Lars Buffi, Nicolò
Bukavina, Laura Bultitude, Matthew Burgu, Berk Burkhard, Fiona
Butler, Santino Butow, Phyllis Byrne, Fiona Cadeddu, Jeffrey
Cahill, Declan Cai, Tommaso Caldamone, Anthony Camilleri, Philip
Campbell, Jeffrey Campeau, Lysanne Campi, Riccardo Canda, Abdullah Erdem
Canning, Douglas Cantiello, Francesco Capitanio, Umberto Capogrosso, Paolo
Cardozo, Linda Carlo, Buonerba Caroppo, Ettore Castiglione, Fabio
Castro-Diaz, David Cathcart, Paul Celia, Antonio Cellek, Selim
Cerruto, Maria Angela Challacombe, Ben Chancellor, Michael Chander, Sarat
Chandra, Ashish Chandra, Lizzie Chandrasekar, Thenappan Chang, David
Chapin, Brian Chapple, Christopher Chatta, Gurkamal Checcucci, Enrico
Chee, Justin Cheung, Douglas Chew, Ben Chi, Thomas
Chin, Joseph Chin, Kwang Chin, Peter Chin, Stephen
Chow, Ken Christopher, Nim Chuang, Yao-Chi Chun, Felix
Chung, Doreen Chung, Eric Clark, Jack Clemens, J. Quentin
Cohen, Ronald Collins, Justin Colquhoun, Alexandra Compérat, Eva
Cone, Eugene Coode-Bate, Jack Cooper, Colin Corcoran, Niall
Corcos, Jacques Cosker, Thomas Costello, Anthony Cotterill, Nikki
Cox, Edward Crabb, Simon Cracco, Cecilia Cranston, David
Cresswell, Joanne Crockett, Matthew Cross, Brian Cruz, Célia
Cruz, Francisco Cui, Helen Culig, Zoran Cullen, Victoria
Cumberbatch, Marcus Cutress, Mark Cuypers, Maarten Cynk, Mark
Da Ros, Carlos Dabestani, Saeed Dahm, Philipp Dan, Woodcock
D’Andrea, David Daneshmand, Siamak Danila, Daniel Danuser, Hansjoerg
Darr, Christopher Dasgupta, Ranan Dauw, Casey Davies, Lucy
Davis, John De Giorgi, Ugo de la Taille, Alexandre De Meerleer, Gert
De Reijke, Theo M. De Win, Gunter Del Popolo, Giulio D’Elia, Carolina
Dell’Oglio, Paolo Delprado, Warick Denstedt, John Derweesh, Ithaar
Desai, Janak Desai, Mahesh Diamond, David Dinkelman-Smit, M.
Dmochowski, Roger Doizi, Steeve Donovan, Jenny Dragos, Laurian
Drake, Marcus Droupy, Stéphane Dudderidge, Tim Dukic, Ivo
Dundee, Philip Eapen, Renu Eardley, Ian Eastham, James
Eberli, Daniel Eddy, Ben Eden, Christopher Egawa, Shin
Egevad, Lars Ehdaie, Behfar Eichler, Martin Eisenberger, Mario
Eisner, Brian Elders, Andrew Eldred-Evans, David Elhage, Oussama
Ellis, Robert Elmamoun, Mamoun Elneil, Sohier Elsamra, Sammy
Elshal, Ahmed Elterman, Dean Emberton, Mark Engeler, Daniel
Enikeev, Dmitry Enting, Deborah Epstein, Jonathan Erickson, Andrew
Escudero, Lorena Eure, Gregg Everaert, Karel Everaerts, Wouter
Eversden, Elizabeth Eyre, David Falagario, Ugo Falcone, Marco
Faltas, Bishoy Feber, Andrew Fero, Katherine Ferro, Matteo
Ficarra, Vincenzo Fife, Kate Finazzi Agrò, Enrico Finch, William
Fletcher, Sean Fojecki, Grzegorz Friedlander, David Frydenberg, Mark
Furr, James Furrer, Marc G. Zaorsky, Nicholas Gacci, Mauro
Gadzhiev, Nariman Gadzinski, Adam Gakis, Georgios Galfano, Antonio
Gall, Zara Gallagher, Kevin Gallieni, Maurizio Gandaglia, Giorgio
Gao, Chuanyu Gearhart, John Geavlete, Petrisor Georgiades, Fanourios
Geurts, Nicolas Ghai, Sangeet Ghani, Khurshid Ghazi, Ahmed
Gianduzzo, Troy Giannantoni, Antonella Gietzmann, William Giganti, Francesco
Gilbert, James Gild, Philipp Giusti, Guido Gnanapragasam, Vincent
Goldenberg, Larry Goldman, Howard Goldsmith, Louise Golla, Vishnukamal
Gomes, Cristiano Gontero, Paulo Good, Daniel Goonewardene, Sanchia
Gordon, Stephen Gorin, Michael Graefen, Markus Granr, Aurelie
Gravas, Stavros Gregg, Justin Grilo, Nuno Groen, Jan
Gross, Oliver Gross, Tobias Grummet, Jeremy Gulati, Roman
Gurney, Howard Guru, Khurshid Guruli, Georgi Ha, Yun-Sok
Hackett, Geoff Hakenberg, Oliver Hakimi, A Ari Hamid, Rizwan
Hamm, Rebecca Han, Deok Hyun Han, Ping Handelsman, David
Hasan, Mudhar Hashad, Mohamed Mohie Eldin Hashimoto, Takeshi Hatakeyama, Shingo
Haug, Alexander Häuser, Lorine Hautmann, Richard E. Hayne, Dickon
Heck, Matthias Heer, Rakesh Hegarty, Paul K. Heidenreich, Axel
Heijnsdijk, Eveline Helfand, Brian Heller, Nick Hellstrom, Wayne
Henderson, John Hendry, Rob Henry, Ann Hensley, Patrick
Herkommer, Kathleen Hermanns, Thomas Herrmann, Thomas Hindley, Richard
Hofman, Michael Hollingsworth, John Holmberg, Lars Hosseini, Abolfazl
Houédé, Nadine Hounsome, Luke Hovens, Chris Howles, Sarah
Hu, Jim Hughes, Simon Hulson, Oliver Humphreys, Mitchell
Hung, Andrew Husmann, Douglas Hutel, Michael Hwang, Eu Chang
Igawa, Yasuhiko Ilg, Marcus Innos, Kaire Ishioka, Junichiro
Jambor, Ivan JC, Liao Johnson, Mark Johnston, Thomas
Jonasch, Eric Jones, James Joseph, Jean Joyce, Adrian
Jung, Helene Jung, Jae Hung Junker, Kerstin Kalejaiye, Ayo
Kamal, Wissam Kamat, Ashish Kamphuis, Guido Kaouk, Jihad
Kaplan, Steven Karakiewicz, Pierre Karam, Jose Karnes, R
Kasivisvanathan, Veeru Kassouf, Wassim Kastner, Christof Kates, Max
Kattan, Mike KAYA, ENGIN Kayes, Oliver Keam, Simon
Keanie, Julian Keeley, Frank Kekre, Nitin Keoghane, Stephen
Kessler, Thomas Khaki, Ali Khan, Muhammad Shamim Khetrapal, Pramit
Khochikar, Makarand Kim, Hyung Kim, Isaac Kimura, Shoji
Kirsch, Andrew J. Kishida, Takeshi Kiss, Bernhard Kitta, Takeya
Klein, Eric Klein, Robert Kliesch, Sabine Klotz, Laurence
Kneebone, Andrew Knight, Simon Knipper, Sophie Knoll, Thomas
Knudsen, Bodo Kobayashi, Takashi Kockelbergh, Roger KOGA, Fumitaka
Kondo, Tsunenori Konety, Badrinath Koo, Kyo Chul Korte, James
Kosmoliaptsis, Vasilis Kotb, Ahmed Kovac, Evan Kozomara, Marko
Krambeck, Amy Kramer, Mario Kretschmer, Alexander Kriegmair, Maximilian
Kroeger, Nils Krokidis, Miltos Kulkarni, Meghana Kulkarni, Sanjay
Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Vivekanandan Kundu, Bibhas Kuo, Hann-Chorng
Kurithof-de Julio, Marianna Kutikov, Alex Kwan, Edmond Laguna, Pilar
Laird, Alexander Lallas, Costas Lam, Thomas Lam, Wayne
Lamb, Alastair Lamb, Benjamin Landman, Jaime Langenhuijsen, Johan
Lantz, Anna Larcher, Alessandro Lascano, Danny Laurentino, Sandra
Le Roux, Pieter Lec, Patrick Lee, Eugene Lee, Wai Gin
Leiber, Christian Leitner, Lorenz Lenfant, Louis Lenis, Andrew
Leow, Jeffrey Leppert, John Lerner, Lori Leung, Steve
Levine, Larry Lewington, Andrew Leyh-Bannurah, Sami-Ramzi Liatsikos, Evangelos
Liau, Siong Lilja, Hans Liow, Elizabeth Lipkin, Michael
Lipshultz, Larry Liu, Jui-Ming Lo, Simon Loblaw, Andrew
Loeb, Stacy Lonergan, Peter Lopez, Francisco Lopez-Beltran, Antonio
Louie, Alexander Louie-Johnsun, Mark Love, Christopher Lovegrove, Catherine
Lucca, Ilaria Lughezzani, Giovanni Luiting, Henk Luk, Angus
Luo, Jun Luzzago, Stefano Ma, Runzhuo MacLennan, Sara
MacPherson, Ruth Madaan, Sanjeev Madersbacher, Helmut Magee, Diana
Mahal, Brandon Malde, Sachin Manecksha, Rustom Manley, Brandon
Mantica, Guglielmo Marchioni, Michele Margulis, Vitaly Mari, Andrea
Mariappan, Paramananthan Mariotti, Guilherme Mark, Stephen Marks, Leonard
Marra, Giancarlo Marshall, Ernie Martin, Richard Martini, Alberto
Masson-Lecomte, Alexandra Masterson, Timothy Matanhelia, Mudit Matin, Surena
Matsumoto, Kazuhiro Mattei, Agostino Maurer, Tobias Mazhar, Danish
Mazzone, Elio McCaig, Fiona McGrath, John Mcintosh, lachlan
McNeill, Alan Mehan, Nicholas Mehnert, Ulrich Mehrazin, Reza
Meijer, Richard Mejean, Arnaud Mendichovszky, Iosif Meng, Maxwell
Menogue, Stuart Menon, Mani Merseburger, Axel Mertens, Laura
Meyer, Christian Miah, Saiful Michel, Martin Michels, Lars
Miernik, Arkadiusz Millar, Jeremy Miller, Eric Miller, Nipor
Mills, Ian Minhas, Suks Mir, Maria Mistretta, Francesco
Mitchell, Catherine Mitchell, Tom Mitin, Timur Mitra, Anirban
Moch, Holger Molden-Hauer, Tristan Molina-Garrido, Maria-Jose Monastyrskaya, Katia
Monn, M Francesca Montorsi, Francesco Moon, Daniel Moore, Caroline
Moore, Katherine Mordasini, Livio Moretti, Kim Morita, Masashi
Moschini, Marco Moschovas, Marcio Mossanen, Matthew Mostafid, Hugh
Muhitch, Jason Mühlstädt, Sandra Muir, Gordon Mukhopadhyay, Subhankar
Mulders, Peter Mumtaz, Faiz Mundy, Anthony Murphy, Declan
Murray, Julia Murray, Katie Murtola, Teemu Musco, Stefania
Mushtaq, Imran Mynbaev, Ospan Nabi, Ghulam Nabi, Junaid
Nair, Rajesh Namdarian, Benjamin Narayan, Vikram Nathan, Senthil
Neal, Naomi Necchi, Andrea Nelson, Adam Netsch, Christopher
Neumeier, Vera Neves, Joana Nguyen, David-Dan Nguyen, Hao
Nichol, David Nickel, J. Curtis Nicol, David Nieboer, Daan
Nieto, Yago Nobrega, Richard Nonomura, Norio Nordhoff, Verena
Nottingham, Charles Nyame, Yaw Nzenza, Tatenda Oades, Grenville
O’Brien, Tim O’Brien, Timothy O’Connor, Kevin Oddens, Jorg
Oh, William Olsburgh, Jonathon Omer, Altan Ong, Wee
Osses, Daniël Osther, Palle O’Sullivan, Richard Oudard, Stéphane
Ouzaid, Idir Paciotti, Marco Page, Toby Pal, Sumanta
Paller, Channing Panebianco, Valeria Panicker, Jalesh Pannek, Jürgen
Pantuck, Allan Pariser, Joseph Parker, Chris Parnham, Arie
Partin, Alan Pasquier, David Patel, Hiten Patel, Keval
Patel, Manish Patel, Parth Patel, Uday Patel, Vipul
Patil, Vishal Patki, Prasad Patterson, Jake Pavlovich, Christian
Payne, Steve Pearce, Ian Pearle, Margaret Pecoraro, Angela
Penzkofer, Tobias Perera, Marlon Perez Fentes, Daniel Pérez, Daniel
Peters, Craig Peters, Inga Peters, Max Petros, Firas
Pettaway, Curtis Peyronnet, Benoit Pfail, John Pfister, David
Phé, Véronique Philip, Stuart Pierorazio, Phillip Ploumidis, Achilles
Pokorny, Morgan Pontari, Mike Pook, David Popert, Richard
Porcaro, Antonio Porpiglia, Francesco Porter, James Portis, Andrew
Poulsen, Mads Pradere, Benjamin Preminger, Glenn Presicce, Fabrizio
Preston, Mark Proietti, Silvia Protheroe, Andrew Pryor, David
Quarrier, Scott Radtke, Jan Philipp Ragab, Mostafa Rai, Bhavan
Raison, Nicholas Rajan, Prabhakar Rajan, Probhakaran Rakauskas, Arnas
Ralph, David Ramakrishnan, Venkat Ramasamy, Ranjith Ranasinghe, Weranja
Rane, Abhay Rannikko, Antti Rashid, Aso Omer Rashid, Prem
Rassweiler, Jens Rastinehad, Ardeshir Ratan, Hari Ratliff, Timothy
Rawal, Sudhir Razvi, Hassan Rees, Rowland Reeves, Fairleigh
Rehder, Peter Reisman, Yacov Reiter, Robert Remzi, Mesut
Reynard, John Richenberg, Jonathan Rider, Jennifer Rieken, Malte
Riggs, Stephen Rimmer, Yvonne Rink, Michael Roberts, William
Robinson, Brian Robinson, Dudley Robson, Craig Rocco, Bernardo
Rochester, Mark Roehrborn, Claus Rogers, Craig Roghmann, Florian
Rolevich, Alexander Romero Otero, Javier Rosario, Derek Rosier, Peter
Ross, Ashley Rossi, Sabrina Rottenberg, Giles Rovito, Michael
Rowe, Courtney Ruiz-Castañe, Eduardo Rukin, Nicholas Russell, Neil
Russo, Giorgio Ivan Russo, Paul Sabnis, Ravindra Sadeghi, Ramin
Sadeghi-Nejad, Hossein Saeb-Parsy, Kasra Sahai, Arun Salami, Simpa
Salmon, Jonathan Salonia, Andrea Sammon, Jesse Sanchez-Salas, Rafael
Sangster, Philippa Sansone, Andrea Sarma, Aruna Satasivam, Prassannah
Satkunasivam, Raj Savovic, Jelena Schagdarsurengin, Undraga Schalken, Jack
Schartau, Patricia Scheiner, David Schenk, Jeannette Schmitz-Dräger, Bernd
Schneider, Florian Schneider, Marc Schurch, Brigitte Scriven, Sharon
Seisen, Thomas Sengupta, Shomik Sethi, Kapil Sethia, Krishna
Sfakianos, John Shabbir, Majed Shabbir, Majid Shah, Amishi
Shapiro, Daniel Sharma, Gyanendra Shaw, Greg Sheinfeld, Joel
Shi, Zhongjie Shiradkar, Rakesh Shoag, Jonathan Shoji, Sunao
Siddiqui, M Sievert, Karl-Dietrich Singla, Nirmish Siva, Shankar
Skipworth, Richard Skolarus, Ted Smith, Angela Smith, Phillip
Smyth, Lisa Soares, Ricardo Soave, Armin Soloway, Mark
Somani, Bhaskar Sonn, Geoffrey Sood, Akshay Soomro, Naeem
Sooriakumaran, Prasanna Soria, Francesco Sotelo, Rene Speakman, Mark
Speakman, MJ Spiess, Phillippe Sprenkle, Preston Srinivasan, Arun
Sripathi, Venkat Sriprasad, Seshadri Staehler, Michael Stai, Bethany
Stamatiou, Konstantinos Stark, Dan Stattin, Pär Stenzl, Arnulf
Steuber, Thomas Steyerberg, Ewout Stillebroer, Alexander Stinesen Kollberg, Karin
Stish, Bradley Stockler, Martin Stoffel, John Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe
Stone, Nelson Stratton, Kelly Strebel, Räto Stricker, Phillip
Sturch, Paul Suarez, Rodrigo Subramaniam, Ramnath Sullivan, Mark
Sur, Roger Taghizadeh, Arash Takeda, Toshikazu Tan, Hung-Jui
Tan, Wei Shen Tandogdu, Zafer Tang, Chad Teh, Jiasian
Tekgul, Serdar Teoh, Jeremy Terris, Martha K. Tewari, Ash
Thalmann, George Thiruchelvam, Nikesh Thomas, Charalampos Thomas, Johanna
Thomas, John Thomas, Kay Thomas, Raju Thompson, James
Thompson, Peter Thompson, Robert Thurairaja, Ramesh Tilki, Derya
Timilshina, Narhari Tiselius, Hans-Göran Todenhöfer, Tilman Toren, Paul
Torinic, Jure Tortolero, Leonardo Tosoian, Jeffrey Touijer, Karim
Tourinho-Barbosa, Rafael Tran, Ben Tran, Maxine Traxer, Olivier
Trenti, Emanuela Tubaro, Andrea Tully, Karl Turkbey, Baris
Turnbull, Arran Turney, Ben Tuthill, Mark Tyerman, Kay
Ukimura, Osamu Unwala, Darius Urkmez, Ahmet Ursprung, Stephan
Usher-Smith, Juliet Van der Aa, Frank van der Kwast, Theo van der Poel, Henk
Van Hemelrijck, Mieke van Koeveringe, Gommert van Leeuwen, Pim van Moorselaar, Jeroen
van Rhijn, Bas van Rij, Simon Vanharanta, Sakari Vasdev, Nikhil
Vasudev, Naveen Veal, Gareth Venderbos, Lionne Verrill, Clare
Vickers, Andrew Vince, Randy Wagenlehner, Florian Walter, Matthias
Walz, Jochen Ward, John Warren, Anne Washington III, Samuel
Watkin, Nick Watson, Graham Watson, William Weber, Manuel
Welk, Blayne Weston, Michael Wetherell, David Whitehead, David
Wibmer, Andreas Williams, Andrew Williams, James Williams, Michael
Williams, Stephen Willis, Susan Wilson, Steven Wischmann, T.
Wiseman, Oliver Witjes, Fred Witjes, J. Wöllner, Jens
Wong, Lih-Ming Woo, Henry Wood, Dan Worst, Thomas
Wylie, Kevan Wysock, James Xylinas, Evanguelos Yamada, Yasutaka
Yamamoto, Hide Yang, Bing Yang, Bob Yang, David
Yaxley, John Ye, Dingwei Yong, Cissy Young, Matthew
Young, Robin Zainal Abidin, Zainal Adwin Zakri, Rhana Zaorsky, Nicholas
Zargar Shoshtari, Kamran Zargar, Homi Zhao, Lee Zhong, P.
Zhu, Gang Zigeuner, Richard Zimmern, Philippe Zlotta, Alexandre
Znaor, Ariana Zorn, Kevin

Four seasons – Summer 2020’s top reviewer

Summer 2020’s top reviewer is Houston Thompson

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Summer 2020 crown goes to Houston Thompson

R. Houston Thompson, MD, completed his Urology Residency at Mayo Clinic Rochester in 2007 followed by a Urologic Oncology Fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.  He is currently Professor of Urology at Mayo Clinic Rochester.  Dr. Thompson is involved in clinical and translational research in urologic oncology and has >200 peer-reviewed original articles.

Notable contributions to the literature include discovery that PD-1 and PD-L1 are aberrantly expressed in the microenvironment of renal cell carcinoma tumors, and thus represent attractive therapeutic targets.  Dr. Thompson is the recipient of the Donald C. Balfour Award for meritorious research from the Mayo Clinic and the Michael E. Burt Award for Clinical Excellence from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Four Seasons – Spring 2020’s Top Reviewer

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.


The Spring 2020 Crown goes to Runzhuo Ma 

Runzhuo Ma is a research fellow in the Center for Robotic Simulation and Education (CRSE), Institute of Urology, at the University of Southern California. After finishing his MD at Peking University, he joined CRSE under the leadership of Dr. Andrew J. Hung and Dr. Inderbir Gill. His research interests include surgical assessment, surgical simulation, and studying the impact of surgical quality on patient outcomes in urologic cancers.

Four Seasons – Autumn 2019’s Top Reviewer

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.


The Autumn Crown goes to Prof. Guohua Zeng.


Prof. Zeng is Vice-director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Vice-Chair of the Urolithiasis section of CUA, President of Guangdong Provincial Urological Association,  Co-chairman and Secretary General of International Alliance of Urolithiasis (IAU) and Director of the Endourology Society Certified Fellowship Program. He specialises in endourology and has finished more than 15000 endourological procedures including all kinds of PCNLs, rigid URS and RIRS procedures and Uro-laparoscopic procedures.

Prof. Zeng and his colleagues created a unique mini-PCNL technique, namely Chinese Mini-PCNL. More than 32000 Chinese Mini-PCNLs surgeries have been performed by Prof. Zeng and his team with good clinical outcomes. He also invented a new minimally invasive technique in the treatment of middle size renal stones, called “Super-Mini-PCNL (SMP)”.

Serving the position as the Director of Endoscopic Training Centre, Ministry of Health, PRC, Prof. Zeng has led and organized more than 330 endourological stone management workshops. At least 3100 Chinese residents and more than 60 international residents from 51 countries including USA, Italy, UK,,Germany have been trained in his Endoscopic training center.

In 2012, Prof. Zeng, Prof Zhangqun Ye, and Prof Kemal Sarica set up an international organization specialising in Urolithiasis, named as the International Alliance of Urolithiasis (IAU). So far more than 512 stone disease doctors from 65 countries have become IAU members. Seven IAU annual conferences were held in China, Nepal, India and Turkey in November each year. IAU will provide an academic exchange platform for all stone disease doctors in the world.

Prof. Zeng has gained 5 research projects for stone disease from National Natural Science Foundation. More than 120 academic papers have been published in SCI-indexed journals and 14 books about stone disease have been published.



Four Seasons – Spring 2019’s top reviewer


This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.





The Spring Crown goes to Dr Janet Kukreja.  Prokar Dasgupta, Editor-in-Chief of the BJUI, presented her with the award at the AUA conference in Chicago.


Dr Kukreja is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado in Denver, CO, USA. She specializes in urologic oncology with a specific interest in bladder cancer. She currently works on research in surgical recovery and bladder cancer in both clinical and translational research.


Four Seasons – Winter 2019’s top reviewer

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Winter Crown goes to Dr Makarand Khochikar.

Dr Khochikar is Chief of Uro Oncology dept at Siddhi Vinayak Ganapati Cancer Hospital, Miraj (India) since 1998.

He has won many awards; including, Dr Kirpekar award and Gold Medal for standing first in university in Master of Surgery exam in 1988, Schering Prize and a Gold medal for standing first at University of London in Dip. Urol exam in 1991, Vijayawada Best poster award and Brijkishor Patana best paper award. In 2010 he was awarded the highest honor of urological society of India (West Zone) – The Urology Gold Medal. Recipient of Gold Medal and SLAUS oration by Sri Lanka Urology Association in 2011. In 2012 he was awarded yet another prestigious award – Pinamaneni Oration and Gold medal by USI for his life time work on adrenal tumors mainly pheochromocytoma. He has one of the largest individual series on adrenal tumors in India. He was awarded the best reviewer’s award – special appreciation by Indian Journal of Urology for 2015. He is the recipient of Prof P B Sivaraman oration award from ASU and Prof Roy Chally oration award from UAK in 2018.

Has been invited as a guest speaker for many international meetings (AUA, SIU, EAU, WPCC, WUOF, BAUS , Euroasian Urooncology group) and has published widely.

Dr Khochikar served on editorial board of Indian Journal of Urology (2000-2009) and  Current Urology Reports. He has served as a guest editor of the special issue of IJU on hormone refractory prostate cancer. He is currently consulting editor for BJUI.

He is member of the Board of Directors of SIU since 2016 and has served as President of US-WZ in year 2017-1018.


Four Seasons – Autumn’s Top Reviewer

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team  select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Autumn Crown goes to Nicholas Raison.

Nicholas Raison is Urology Specialist Registrar in the North London Deanery and Vattikuti Research Fellow at King’s College London. Alongside clinical urology, Nicholas’ academic interests include medical education and surgical innovation. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is currently completing a PhD on a pan-European project on the validation and assessment of robotic simulation training.


Four Seasons – BJUI Reviewer of the Summer

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team will select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Summer Crown goes to Henry Woo.

Henry Woo is Professor Surgery at the Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney.  He is also the Director of Uro-Oncology and Professor of Robotic Cancer Surgery at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Sydney.  He serves as a Board Director of the Australian and New Zealand Uro-genital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP) and the Australasian Urological Foundation (AUF). His research interests are in all aspects of both benign and malignant prostate disease.  He is the former and foundation Editor-in-Chief of BJUI Knowledge and serves on the BJUI Editorial Board.






Four Seasons – BJUI Reviewer of the Spring

This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team will select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Spring Crown goes to Alexander P Cole.

Alexander P. Cole is a research fellow in urologic oncology and health services research in the Division of Urological Surgery and the Center for Surgery and Public Health, both at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. His research involves analyzing large secondary datasets to study cancer detection and treatment as well as variations in care, financial incentives and the diffusion of medical technology.

Alexander received his BA at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts and his MD at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. After medical school he worked with the Swedish National Prostate Cancer Registry on a young investigator award under Professor Pär Stattin. He completed his general surgery internship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston in 2015, followed by urology residency also at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

During residency he was awarded a Brigham Research Institute grant under the mentorship of Dr. Quoc-Dien Trinh. Other awards include Best Abstract at AUA 2016, and the Max Wilscher research award at the New England AUA section meeting. His work has been featured in medical journals including JAMA Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Journal of Urology, BJUI and Cancer. In addition he has written multiple articles for the lay-press including in Stat News and the Boston Globe. A native of Maine and a life-long New Englander, Alexander enjoys running, sailing and backcountry skiing in the mountains of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.





Four Seasons – BJUI Reviewer of the Winter

Four Seasons Winter 2018This month, BJUI continues the Four Seasons Peer Reviewer Award recognising the hard work and dedication of our peer reviewers. Each quarter the Editor and Editorial Team will select an individual peer reviewer whose reviews over the last 3 months have stood out for their quality and timeliness.

The Winter Crown goes to Jose A. Karam.

Jose A Karam - winner of the BJUI Winter 2018 Four Seasons peer reviewer award

Dr. Karam is an Associate Professor of Urology at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is certified by the American Board of Urology, and provides surgical care for patients with renal, testicular and adrenal tumors. He performs open, laparoscopic, and robotic surgery, with a special interest in surgery for locally advanced and locally recurrent disease.

Dr. Karam earned his medical degree with Distinction from the American University of Beirut. He completed Urology residency at UT Southwestern Medical Center, followed by a Urologic Oncology Fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Dr. Karam’s primary clinical and research interest is renal cell carcinoma, including the integration of targeted therapy with surgery (adjuvant, neoadjuvant, and presurgical therapy), sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma, rare kidney cancer histologies including renal medullary carcinoma, mouse models of renal cell carcinoma and molecular markers. He has authored more than 170 articles and book chapters in urologic oncology. He serves as a reviewer for over 20 journals, and is an Editorial Board member of BJU International, Section Editor for Annals of Surgical Oncology, and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Oncology.




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