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Ewing’s Sarcoma with Isolated Bladder Metastasis

We describe a case of an isolated bladder metastasis in EWS, which, to our knowledge, has not been previously reported.


Authors: Alexander Yeates MBBS, Peter Campbell FRACS, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
Corresponding Author: Alexander Yeates MBBS, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Ewing’s sarcoma (EWS) can occur in almost any bone or soft tissue, however cases involving the bladder are exceedingly rare. We describe a case of an isolated bladder metastasis in EWS, which, to our knowledge, has not been previously reported.
A twelve year old boy was initially diagnosed with primary EWS of the skull.  He was treated with local surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  He had no recurrence until four years later when he presented with painless haematuria.  Urinary cytology revealed small, round atypical cells, and he was referred for a urological opinion.  An intravenous pyelogram was normal.  Rigid cystoscopy revealed a 20 x 15mm lesion that was resected and histology confirmed recurrence of EWS.  After careful consideration, a partial cystectomy was performed with good post-operative recovery and subsequently he completed a course of adjuvant chemotherapy.  40 months of follow-up including blood tests, rigid cystoscopy, CXR, CT and USS have not revealed further recurrence.
The prognosis following recurrence of Ewing’s sarcoma is usually guarded, however features specific to this case, such as the prolonged interval to recurrence and presence of a distant, isolated recurrence are relatively reassuring.


Ewing’s sarcoma (EWS) was initially described by James Ewing in 1921 as an undifferentiated, small, round cell tumour involving the diaphysis of long bones [1].  More recently, EWS, primitive neuroectodermal tumour and Askin’s tumour have all been classified under the common term of the Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumours following identification of the common translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12) resulting in the formation of the EWS-ETS fusion gene [2,3].  These tumours can occur in almost any bone or soft tissue, however cases of EWS involving the bladder are exceedingly rare [4,5] and a case of an isolated recurrence in the bladder has not previously been reported.


Case Report
An otherwise healthy twelve year old boy was diagnosed with EWS of the skull in 2003.  He was initially treated with local excision, radiotherapy (50.4Gy) and chemotherapy (vincristine 15mg/m2, cyclophosphamide 17,400mg/m2, doxorubicin 480mg/m2, ifosfamide 39,000mg/m2, carboplatin 3,000mg/m2 and etoposide 1,950mg/m2) followed by stem cell rescue.  Four years later he presented to an Accident and Emergency Department following a single episode of frank haematuria.  Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound scan demonstrated normal upper urinary tracts with a large amount of echogenic material consistent with clot within the bladder.  Urine microscopy showed clusters of small round atypical cells, lymphocytes and erythrocytes. An intravenous pyelogram was normal.
Following referral to a Urologist, rigid cystoscopy identified a 20x15mm solid necrotic lesion on the left lateral wall of the bladder (Figure 1).


Figure 1.Rigid cystoscopy showing bladder lesion.



The lesion was excised with a 26 Fr resectoscope.  Microscopic examination of the lesion revealed sheets of small, undifferentiated malignant cells invading into muscle (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Undifferentiated malignant tumour of bladder. (H&E stained section, original magnification x400)


Immunohistochemical testing showed the cells were strongly positive for CD99 in a membranous pattern with scattered cells positive for NFP and synaptophysin.  They were negative for S100, Desmin, Myo D1 and SMA.  Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) using the Vysis [6] EWSR1 (22q12) dual colour break apart rearrangement probe showed rearrangement of the EWSR1 gene region confirming the diagnosis of metastatic EWS (Figure 3).


Figure 3. Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation of the bladder lesion using the Vysis EWRS1 (22q12) dual break apart probe shows rearrangement of the EWSR1 gene region, confirming the diagnosis of metastatic EWS.



Staging investigations (whole body bone scan and CT abdomen and pelvis) showed no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.
Given that this appeared to represent an isolated tumour recurrence, the decision was made to perform a partial cystectomy in October 2007.  The lesion was identified and excised with a four centimetre margin (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Partial cystectomy specimen showing central area of ulceration.



Histology of the excised specimen showed an area of ulceration that was clear of the margins.  There was no evidence of residual tumour.  Post-operative recovery was uneventful.
Following partial cystectomy, the patient received adjuvant chemotherapy of topotecan (36mg/m2) and cyclophosphamide (18,000mg/m2).  This was adequately tolerated.  The patient was considered for sperm storage but was found to be azoospermic.
Follow-up has involved surveillance rigid cystoscopy and examination under anaesthesia at three-monthly intervals with interim outpatient reviews with surveillance full blood count, electrolytes and liver function blood tests, chest x-ray, abdominal and pelvic CT and ultrasound scans to exclude further metastatic disease.  Surveillance for over 40 months has so far revealed no evidence of local recurrence or further metastases.


Rare cases of primary EWS of the bladder have been reported [4,5] and EWS has also been described as arising in the bladder as a second tumour in paediatric patients with a previous haematological malignancy [7].   To our knowledge this case represents the first report of primary skeletal EWS with an isolated bladder metastasis.    Given that the five-year survival rate for patients with recurrent EWS has been reported to be as low as 13% [8], the initial prognosis for this patient was guarded.  Significant risk factors for death following recurrence in Leavey’s study [9] included recurrence at combined local and distant sites, elevated LDH at initial diagnosis and initial recurrence less than two years following diagnosis.  In contrast, this patient had recurrence at a single distant site four years after the primary diagnosis of EWS and is now disease free four years after excision of the recurrent lesion.  This is relatively reassuring when considering the long-term prognosis.
It is also worth noting that this adolescent patient presented clinically with an episode of macroscopic haematuria.  This symptom cannot be ignored and should lead to consideration of cystoscopic examination of the bladder particularly in patients with a significant previous medical history [10].


1.  Ewing J.  Diffuse endothelioma of bone.  Proc NY Pathol Soc 1921;21:17-24.
2.  Aurias A, Rimbaut C, Buffe D, Zucker JM, Mazabraud A.  Translocation involving chromosome 22 in Ewing’s sarcoma: a cytogenic study of four fresh tumors.  Cancer Genet Cytogenet 1984;12:21-25.
3.  Whang-Peng J, Triche TJ, Knutsen T, Miser J, Douglass EC, Israel MA.  Chromosomal translocation in peripheral neuroepithelioma. N Engl J Med 1984;311:584-585.
4.  Gousse AE, Roth DR, Popek EJ, Cooley LD, Horowitz ME.  Primary Ewing’s sarcoma of the bladder associated with an elevated antinuclear antibody titer.  J. Urol.  1997;158:2265-2266.
5.  Okada Y, Kamata S, Akashi T, Kurata M, Nakamura T, Kihara K.  Primitive neuroectodermal tumor/Ewing’s sarcoma of the urinary bladder: a case report and its molecular diagnosis.  Int J Clin Oncol.  2010 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print].
6.  Vysis package insert.  Invitrogen Spot-Light tissue Pre-treatment Kit package insert. KOJI,T, Molecular Histochemical Techniques, Springer- Verlag, Tokyo, 2000.
7.  Osone S, Hosoi H, Tanaka K, Tsuchiya K, Iehara T, Morimoto A, Hashida T, Yamashita M, Kawabata K, Nishijo K, Toguchida J, Hata J, Sugimoto T.  A case of a Ewing sarcoma family tumor in the urinary bladder after treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007 Dec;29(12):841-4.
8.  Bacci G, Ferrari S, Longhi A, Donati D, De Paolis M, Forni C, Versari M, Setola E, Briccoli A, Barbieri E.  Therapy and survival after recurrence of Ewing’s tumours: the Rizzoli experience in 195 patients treated with adjuvant and neo-adjuvant chemotherapy from 1979 to 1997.  Ann. Oncol 2003;14:1654-1659.
9.  Leavey PJ, Mascarenhas L, Marina N, Chen Z, Krailo M, Miser J, Brown K, Tarbell N, Bernstein ML, Granowetter L, Gebhardt M, Grier HE.  Prognostic Factors for Patients with Ewing sarcoma (EWS) at First Recurrence Following Multimodality Therapy – A Report from the Children’s Oncology Group.    Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 September ; 51(3): 334–338.
10.  Gordon C, Stapleton FB. Hematuria in adolescents.  Adolesc Med Clin. 2005;16:229-39.


Date added to bjui.org: 06/09/2011 

DOI: 10.1002/BJUIw-2011-028-web


Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma presenting with gross painless haematuria

Urethral metastasis from distal primary sites is rare, accounting for less than 0.02% of all urological malignancies. Metastasis from a colorectal primary is even rarer. 


Authors: Moran, Diarmaid; O’Connor, Kevin; Kavanagh, Dara; Kelly, Peter; Fitzpatrick, John; O’Malley, Kiaran. Mater Misericordiae, Department of Urology, Eccles Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Corresponding Author: Diarmaid Moran, Mater Misericordiae, Department of Urology, Eccles Street, Dublin, Ireland.  E- mail: [email protected]


Case Report
In May 2007, a 45 year old man underwent an open sigmoid colectomy, loop ileostomy and partial resection of the posterior bladder wall for a pT4 adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. He initially presented with recurrent, treatment-resistant urinary tract infections. Diagnostic flexible cystoscopy revealed an inflammatory mass at the posterior bladder wall. No obvious fistula was seen at that time. Colonoscopy revealed a large suspicious looking sigmoid mass. Histology from both the diagnostic trans-urethral resection and colonoscopic biopsy demonstrated adenocarcinoma, consistent with a bowel primary. A staging CT of his thorax, abdomen and pelvis demonstrated a complex pelvic mass, suspicious for malignancy at the sigmoid colon / bladder region. There was no evidence of distal metastatic disease.  A sigmoid colectomy with en bloc resection of a portion of bladder was performed. A primary end-to-end colorectal anastomosis was constructed with proximal defunctioning ileostomy. Post operative histology revealed a 7cm moderately differentiated colonic adenocarcioma with transmural bladder invasion to the bladder mucosa. Thirteen lymph nodes retrieved were free of tumour. Colonic, soft tissue and bladder mucosal margins were clear. There were no features of microsatellite instability. Post operatively he received adjuvant chemotherapy using the FOLFOX regimen (Folinic acid, Fluorouracil (5-FU), Oxaliplatin). Following completion of this treatment he underwent reversal of his loop ileostomy. Follow up with the colorectal, urology and oncology teams was completed according to institutional guidelines. He had an annual colonoscopy along with bi-annual CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis and measurement of CEA and CA-125 tumour markers.  All of the above investigations were within normal limits with no evidence of disease recurrence or metastasis when last seen routinely in December 2009.
However the patient presented emergently four months later complaining of gross painless haematuria. Attempted cystoscopy revealed an abnormal, exophytic lesion in his proximal penile urethra (Fig. 1).


Figure 1. Urethroscopic view of metastasis at the bulbar urethra


This lesion obscured the urethral lumen but the flexible cystoscope was able to pass into the bladder at the 10 0’ clock position. Completion cystoscopy revealed no additional bladder neoplasm. Biopsies of this urethral lesion confirmed adenocarcinoma with villo-glandular morphology, consistent with colorectal metastasis. A CT scan revealed liver metastasis, which correlated with positive PET scan assessment. His PET scan also showed a ‘hot spot’ at the junction of his penile and bulbar urethra (Fig. 2).


Figure 2a. Coronal PET CT slices demonstrating ‘hotspot’ at the bulbar urethra



Figure 2b. Axial PET CT slices demonstrating ‘hotspot’ at the bulbar urethra


Following discussion at our institution’s multi-disciplinary team meeting the management of this patient’s urethral metastasis involved local urethroscopic excision followed by local radiotherapy. The patient was carefully counseled regarding the potential complications (urethral stricturing, recurrence) and limitations of this course of treatment. In view of the fact that he had hepatic metastases, formal urethral excision with reconstruction was deemed not suitable. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy for distal disease control. He remains well and is voiding per urethra with a good subjective flow rate.


Urethral metastasis from distal primary sites is rare, accounting for less than 0.02% of all urological malignancies. Metastasis from renal cell carcinoma [1], melanoma [2], prostate adenocarcinoma [3] and lung [8] have all been described. Metastasis from a colorectal primary is even rarer. To the best of our knowledge there have been only ten previous cases reported in the medical literature [4-11].
Various hypotheses on the mechanism of metastasis have been proposed, though there remains controversy as to which is most likely. The mode of spread could potentially arise from direct infiltration, retrograde lymphatic or a retrograde haematogenous route. Some authors have suggested that recurrence may occur secondary to changes in pelvic lymphatic flow arising from operative intervention [5]. This theory is supported by the finding that female patients who undergo a cystectomy for bladder cancer are more likely to develop vaginal metatasis when there are positive pelvic nodes [12]. However another possible explanation is that in these cases, vaginal metastasis occurs as a result of having more locally advanced disease and may not be due to disruption of normal lymphatic drainage. The most likely mechanism of spread in this case is the hypothesis proposed by Yoshimura et al [13]. That is, that urethral metastasis arises from direct seeding of colonic cancer cells via the urine.
The presentation of urethral metastasis, which predominantly occurs in the bulbar urethra (in males) is quite varied. In male patients, mixed lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and acute urinary retention are the most commonly reported symptoms. In only two other reported cases was frank painless haematuria the predominant symptom. Occasionally a penile or perineal mass is palpable which suggests a more locally advanced stage. In female patients voiding difficulty, dysuria and bloody discharge appear to predominate.
Given the rare nature of urethral metastasis arising from a colorectal primary various authors have suggested that routine urethroscopy +/- cytological brushings as part of the follow up care of the patient is not warranted [4,10].  All patients with a history of locally advanced colonic / rectal adenocarcinoma presenting with new-onset LUTS, haematuria or acute urinary retention should have a full work-up of both their upper and lower urinary tracts. In addition we suggest that even in the absence of urinary symptoms all patients should have bi-annual urinary dipstick to check for microscopic haematuria. Those with microscopic haematuria may then undergo further invasive evaluation. Annual urine cytology could also be sent for laboratory analysis although its diagnostic yield may be limited.
Management of urethral metastasis arising from a gastrointestinal primary should be undertaken via a multi-disciplinary approach. In those with a solitary urethral lesion, local surgical excision is the treatment modality of choice. Urethral reconstruction or urinary diversion may be undertaken at the time of excision or at a later stage. The timing of a secondary procedure may depend on the extent of the lesion, the extent of urethral tissue excised and available expertise to reconstruct the urethra. Although urethral metastasis usually infers a poor prognosis in most cases, an excellent long term survival of seven years post urethrectomy has been previously described [5]. As our patient had extensive distal metastasis (liver) needing additional chemotherapeutic intervention the consensus following multi-disiplinary review was that formal urethral excision and reconstruction was not appropriate. We elected to treat his urethral lesion with local urethroscopic excision followed by radiotherapy. While there is a paucity of data in the medical literature relating to survival advantage offered by this course of treatment, it can provide symptomatic relief of lower urinary tract symptoms. This stopped his haematuria and he is currently voiding normally. He remains well six months post diagnosis of his urethral metastasis.


Urethral metastasis arising from a colorectal primary adenocarcinoma is rare. Treatment must be tailored according to disease stage. The addition of routine urinary dipstick analysis for the presence of microscopic haematuria as part of the follow up protocol for patients with bladder involvement from a colorectal primary may facilitate earlier detection of local recurrence and improve outcomes. This requires evaluation in larger cohorts.


1. Fukata S, Inoue K, Moriki T, Shuin T. A solitary metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the urethra. J Urol. 2000 Apr;163(4):1245-6.
2. Gassara M, Delongchamps NB, Legrand G, Vieillefond A, Saighi D, Debré B, Conquy S, Zerbib M. Primary metastatic urethral melanoma: a case study. Prog Urol. 2010 Jan;20(1):80-2
3. Iverson AP, Blackard CE, Schulberg VA. Carcinoma of the prostate with  urethral metastases., J  Urol. 1972 Dec;108(6):901-4.
4. Chitale SV, Burgess NA, Sethia KK, et al: Management of urethral metastasis from colorectal carcinomas. ANZ J Surg 74:925-927, 2004.
5. Okayena T, Inoue y, Ogawa A., Solitary urethral recurrence of sigmoid colon carcinoma. Urol Int. 1991;47:105-7
6. Kupfer HW, Theunissen P, Delaere KP: Urethral metastasis from a rectal carcinoma. Acta Urol Belg 63: 31-32, 1995
7. Selikowitz SM, Olsson CA: metastatic urethral obstruction. Arch Surg 107: 906-908, 1973
8. Roberts TW, Melicow MM: Pathology and natural history of urethral tumours in females: review of 65 cases. Urology 10: 583-589, 1978
9. Straagier J, Van-Poppel H, Mertens V, et al: Adenocarcinoma of the rectum with a solitary metastasis to the urethra in a female. Eur J Surg Oncol 20: 696-697, 1994
10. Chang HY, Chuang CK, Ng KF, Liao SK., Urethral metastasis from a colon carcinoma Urology 69: 3; 575, 2007
11. H. Pastor Navarro, M.J. Donate Moreno, J. Martinez Ruiz, P.Carrion Lopez, C. Martinez Sanchiz, J.A. Virseda Rodriguez   Actas Urol Esp. 2010; 34(3):304-305
12. Chin JL, Wolf RM, Huben RP, Pontes JE., Vaginal recurrence after cystectomy for bladder cancer. J.Urol. 1985; 134; 58-61)
13. Koji Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Isogawa, Hiroshi Yoshida, Norio Kawase, Yoji Taki., Int. J. Urol., 1999, 6, 479-482

Date added to bjui.org: 12/07/2011 

DOI: 10.1002/BJUIw-2011-027-web


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