Tag Archive for: China


Coming out of lockdown safely – A view from China

How our lives have changed. Over two months ago we published a popular blog on the effect of COVID-19 on our surgical practice (https://www.bjuinternational.com/bjui-blog/covid-19-and-urology/). In many ways it informed us as to what to do during challenging times to keep our patients safe.

As we gradually take careful steps out of lockdown, our minds are focused on the most important of all words – SAFETY. 

While every nation will have differences and nuances, the principles of learning from each other, remain the same as they did when lockdowns started.

I am not surprised by new and ever changing information about the disease almost every day and see international collaboration as a powerful and positive tool in this situation.

With this in mind I requested our friends from Italy, China, Germany and New Zealand for their own perspectives.

Here are their thoughts for your reading pleasure.

Please feel free to insert your comments under the blog and share on social media.

Yours in friendship,
Prokar Dasgupta
Editor in Chief, BJUI


In China, after a 3-month period of lockdown, the whole country is looking forward to run back to the normal life.  The central government of China asked the local authorities lead the economic and daily life come out of lockdown gradually. Although the atmosphere of pandemic in China has become less tense, we are still paying fully attention on the prevention and detection of COVID-19. Below are the brief measures used in our hospital after the complete lockdown. It is important to note that the rules and guidelines varied from place to place, and adjusted according to the up-to-date situation.

  • On-site registration service in out-patient clinic is still prohibited. Outpatient clinic accepts online appointment only.
  • A temporary shelter clinic was built in February in my hospital. We are now still using the temporary shelter clinic to distinguish the suspicious infectors with other patients.
  • The flow of visitors in hospital is still under control. All the entrances are still monitoring people’s temperature and travelling history.
  • In the temporary shelter clinic, urologists have to wear examination gloves, surgical masks, and disposable hat and shoe cover in a single room for face to face consultation.
  • Negative complete blood count, chest CT, and oropharyngeal swab DNA tests are compulsory before inward admission for both patients and their accompanied relatives.

With the strict application of the protective measures, no in-ward patient or staff member had been infected by COVID-19 in my hospital. Although these measures add up a lot of works for my colleagues, I believe it is worthy as the threat of COVID-19 still exist.

Guohua Zeng, Di Gu and Wei Zhu
First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, China

December 2018 – About the cover

The article of the month for December 2018 is on work carried out in Guangzhou, China: Super‐mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy vs retrograde intrarenal surgery for the treatment of 1–2 cm lower‐pole renal calculi: an international multicentre randomised controlled trial.

Guangzhou, on the River Pearl, is the capital of Guangdong in Southern China. It is a major port and transportation hub, and was known as Canton to early European traders. The current population is estimated to be >13 million making it China’s third largest city. The climate is sub-tropical monsoon giving hot humid Summers and mild dry Winters and a city blooming with flowers all year round.

©Prokar Dasgupta

The Social Media Revolution in Chinese Urology

12It is well known that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, the most popular social media platforms available in the West, are not easily accessible in China. It is also clear that urologists in the West have embraced these social media platforms (Twitter in particular), not just for personal interaction, but also for professional engagement, and journals such as BJUI have enthusiastically encouraged the use of social media for urologists through their use of Twitter, blogging, YouTube etc.

So what then of Chinese urology? Are we missing out on all this? Not at all! In fact, as a recent BMJ blog observed, China is among the most heavily connected populations on earth, and the smartphone revolution has seen this connectivity grow very rapidly in recent years, more than in many Western countries. The lack of access to Western websites has just meant that a host of home-grown websites have cropped up to allow the insatiable appetite for connectivity to be met. Therefore sites such as RenRen (like Facebook), Sina Weibo (like Twitter), and Youku (like YouTube). The BMJ have blogged about this and have highlighted the huge volume of activity on Chinese social media sites.

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Figure from “Your quick guide to social media strategy in China

At present, the most popular platform among Chinese urologists is WeChat. WeChat, (similar to WhatsApp), is connecting more than a half billion Chinese people now. Apart from free chat, video and voice call, group chat is perfect for professional online discussion. There are several major urological discussion groups. Each group has many hundreds of participants. It is estimated that more 3000 urologists (1/4) in China have been involved in one or more online discussion group. Earlier this month, Prof. Declan Murphy’s lecture slides were uploaded to our urology major discussion group after his presentation at the Asia Urology Prostate Cancer Forum in Shanghai.

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More than 2000 Chinese urologists (1/6) watched his slides on smartphones that weekend and shared feedback using the app. Prof Murphy, one of the world’s foremost leaders in social media, even joined WeChat and engaged in dialogue with the discussion group.

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At present, the top two most famous discussion groups are called scope art and Hippocrates group. A talented young urologist, Dr. QIan Zhang, set up scope art two years ago. More than 500 urologists from across the country were invited to join the group.  New knowledge, case discussion and meeting information can be arranged in the group. Recently, the Top 10 WeChat urologists has been selected thorough WeChat vote platform system. More than 20,000 WeChat users voted for their favorite social medial stars. Several discussion groups were built based on the different specialties (stone disease, andrology etc.). Several leading uro-oncologists, urologists, pathologists, radiologists and related experts also built an MDT discussion group to discuss interesting uro-oncology cases to help select the best options for patients.

We are now also seeing these online discussions develop a physical presence. Recently, a WeChat integrated Hippocrates urological meeting was held in Jiaxing. When each speaker starts to talk, the slides were uploaded to the WeChat discussion group, allowing the entire membership of the discussion group to attach their comments and questions during the presentation. All the questions and comments are projected to the separate screen in the meeting hall. The speaker can discuss with all the members, wherever they are.

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WeChat meeting in action in Jiaxing

As these examples demonstrate, social media significantly helps Chinese urologists communicate more effectively, especially in such a large country with a huge population. We are very keen to embrace these new communication platforms and to engage more with our colleagues in the West!

Dr. Wei Wang 

Consultant Urologist, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, China

WeChat ID: medtrip


Best of China 2014


Recent years have witnessed the boom of Chinese urology. An increasing amount of high-quality research is carried out in China, which is reflected in increasing numbers of articles being accepted by prestigious journals like BJUI. As the president of the Chinese Urological Association, I believe that it is necessary to select provocative articles – focusing on better solutions to widely discussed clinical issues as well as latest achievements from Chinese laboratories – for readers in China and abroad. This BJUI Virtual Issue – Best of China 2014 includes 12 studies from Chinese urologists, covering a wide range from basic research, translational medicine to clinical concerns. Many of the selected studies are aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of a certain urological surgery, such as remote ischaemic preconditioning during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (by Prof. Yiran Huang), tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy (by Prof. Qing Jiang) and photoselective vaporization of the prostate (by Prof. Danfeng Xu), which are hot issues in the clinic. Also, the articles on functional molecules in the progress of urinary disorders (by Prof. Benkang Shi) and urological pathology and epidemiology (by Prof. Liqun Zhou) are well worth reading. I hope that this collection can provide interest and value, and that this Virtual Issue can help to build a solid connection between Chinese urologists and the peers of the world. Many thanks to all of those who contribute to the development of Chinese urology as a cause.


近年来,中国泌尿外科事业发展迅猛,涌现出越来越多高质量的科研成果。在BJUI等权威杂志上中国学者的文章日益增多就是很好的说明。作为CUA的主任委 员,我认为将那些具有启发性的中国泌尿外科学者的文章加以整理,以飨读者是很有意义的。这些文章或是有关临床问题的解决方案,或是有关实验室的最新进展。 这部精选合集就选择了12篇中国泌尿外科学者近期在BJUI发表的文章,内容涵盖基础医学、转化医学和临床医学。有些文章侧重评估当前热议的一些泌尿外科 术式的安全性和有效性,比如肾部分切中远端缺血预处理技术(黄翼然) 、无造瘘管的经皮肾镜术(重医二附院 姜庆)和绿激光前列腺汽化术(徐丹枫)。另外,有关功能性分子在泌尿外科疾病进展中的作用(史本康)及泌尿外科病理学和流行病学的文章(周利群)也值得一 读。我希望这本合集能为读者带来兴趣和启发,希望这本精选集有助于建立中国泌尿外科学者和其他国家的同道之间紧密的联系。感谢那些为中国泌尿外科事业做出 贡献的人们!

Yinghao Sun MD, PhD
President, Second Military Medical University (SMMU)
Director & Professor, Department of Urology, Shanghai Hospital, SMMU
President, Chinese Urological Association (CUA)

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