Archive for category: BJUI Blog

Changing the LATITUDE of Treatment for High-Risk Hormone-Naïve Prostate Cancer: STAMPEDE-ing Towards Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibition

zach-klaassenEarlier this month at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago, IL, Dr. Karim Fizazi and Dr. Nicholas James (@Prof_Nick_James) presented results from the LATITUDE and STAMPEDE trials, respectively. These randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessed the utility of adding abiraterone acetate (AA) + prednisone to conventional androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) among men with high-risk, hormone-naïve prostate cancer. Since Dr. Charles Huggins’ 1941 Nobel prize winning finding that ADT is highly effective in controlling metastatic prostate cancer, nearly 70 years passed before CHAARTED and STAMPEDE demonstrated in 2015 that the addition of docetaxel to ADT prolongs survival in men with high volume metastatic prostate cancer. The de novo metastatic prostate cancer global incidence is striking: 3% in the US and rising, 6% across Europe, 4-10% in Latin America, and nearly 60% in Asia-Pacific. Historically, ADT has been standard of care, however most men with metastases progress to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) driven by the reactivation of androgen receptor (AR) signaling. The rationale for adding AA + prednisone to ADT for metastatic hormone-naïve prostate cancer patients is threefold: (i) the mechanism of resistance to ADT may develop early, (ii) ADT alone does not inhibit androgen synthesis by the adrenal glands or prostate cancer cells, and (iii) AA + prednisone improves overall survival (OS) in mCRPC patients and reduces tumor burden in high-risk, localized prostate cancer.


LATITUDE was conducted at 235 sites in 34 countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Canada. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the addition of AA + prednisone to ADT on clinical benefit in men with newly diagnosed, high-risk, metastatic hormone-naïve prostate cancer. Patients were stratified by the presence of visceral disease (yes/no) and ECOG performance status (0, 1 vs 2) and then randomized 1:1 to either ADT + AA (1000 mg daily) + prednisone (5 mg) (n=597) or ADT + placebo (n=602). The co-primary endpoints were OS and radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS). Secondary endpoints included time to: (i) pain progression, (ii) PSA progression, (iii) next symptomatic skeletal event, (iv) chemotherapy, and (v) subsequent prostate cancer therapy. The study was powered to detect an HR of 0.67 and 0.81 in favor of AA for rPFS and OS, respectively.
Over a median follow-up of 30.4 months, patients treated with ADT + AA + prednisone had a 38% risk reduction of death (HR 0.62, 95%CI 0.51-0.76) compared to ADT + placebo.


Median OS was not yet reached in the ADT + AA + prednisone arm compared to 34.7 months in the ADT + placebo arm. OS rates at 3 years for the ADT + AA + prednisone arm was 66%, compared to 49% in the ADT + placebo arm. This OS benefit was consistently favorable across all subgroups including ECOG 0 and 1-2, visceral metastases, Gleason ≥8 disease, and bone lesions >10.

There was also 53% risk of reduction of radiographic progression or death for patients treated with ADT + AA + prednisone (median 33.0 months; HR 0.47, 95%CI 0.39-0.55) compared to ADT + placebo (14.8 months).


Secondary endpoints showed statistically significant improvement for ADT + AA + prednisone, including time to PSA progression (HR 0.30, 95%CI 0.26-0.35), time to pain progression (HR 0.70, 95%CI 0.58-0.83), time to next symptomatic skeletal event (HR 0.70, 95%CI 0.54-0.92), time to chemotherapy (HR 0.44, 95%CI 0.35-0.56), and time to subsequent prostate cancer therapy (HR 0.42, 95%CI 0.35-0.50).


Secondary to the results presented at ASCO, the study was discontinued after the first interim analysis. Adverse events were comparable in the two groups. Hypertension only rarely required treatment discontinuation, and only two patients discontinued treatment due to hypokalemia (no hypokalemia-related deaths). Two patients in each arm died of cerebrovascular events, and 10 patients treated with ADT + AA + prednisone compared to 6 patients treated with ADT + placebo died of cardiac disorders.


STAMPEDE is a large multi-stage, multi-arm, RCT being conducted in the United Kingdom to assess the utility of novel therapeutic agents in conjunction with ADT. Currently being tested are AA, enzalutamide, zoledronic acid, docetaxol, celecoxib and radiotherapy (RT). The AA arm of the study was presented at ASCO as a late-breaking abstract. Inclusion criteria included men with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer, including newly diagnosed with N1 or M1 disease, or any two of the following: stage T3/4, PSA ≥ 40 ng/mL, or Gleason score 8-10. Patients undergoing prior radical prostatectomy or RT were eligible if they had more than one of the following: PSA ≥ 4 ng/mL and PSADT < 6 months, PSA ≥ 20 ng/mL, N1, or M1 disease. Patients were then randomized 1:1 to standard of care (SOC; ADT for ≥2 years, n=957) vs SOC + AA (1000 mg) + prednisone 5 mg daily (n=960). Treatment with RT was mandated in patients with N0M0 disease, while strongly encouraged for N1M0 patients. Primary outcomes were OS and failure-free survival (FFS), where failure was defined as PSA failure, local failure, lymph node failure, distant metastases or prostate cancer death. Secondary outcome included toxicity and skeletal-related events (SREs). The study was powered to detect a 25% improvement in OS for the treatment group (requiring 267 control arm mortalities).
Both groups were balanced and patients were predominantly metastatic (52% M1, 20% N+M0, 28% N0M0), median was PSA 53 ng/mL, and 99% were treated with LHRH analogues. Over a median follow-up of 40 months, there were 262 control arm deaths, of which 82% were prostate cancer-related; there were 184 deaths in the SOC + AA + prednisone arm. There was a 37% relative improvement in overall survival (HR 0.63, 95%CI 0.52-0.76) favoring SOC + AA + prednisone.


A Forrest plot split on stratification factors demonstrated no evidence of heterogeneity based on any of the factors, including M0/M1 status (p=0.37). Second, SOC+AA + prednisone demonstrated a 71% improvement in FFS (HR 0.29, 95%CI 0.25-0.34), with an early split in the KM curves.


SOC + AA + prednisone also significantly decreased SREs among the entire cohort (HR 0.46, 95%CI 0.37-0.58), as well as specifically in the M1 cohort (HR 0.45, 95%CI 0.37-0.58). This resulted in a 55% reduction in SREs in the M1 subset analysis.


When looking at treatment progression, 89% of the SOC arm went on to next line of therapy, whereas 79% of the SOC + AA + prednisone arm received additional therapy, most commonly docetaxel. As expected, the rate of Grade 3-5 adverse events was higher in the SOC + AA prednisone arm (47% vs. 33%), and were primarily cardiovascular (HTN, MI, cardiac dysrhythmias) or hepatic (transaminitis) in nature.


As has become the norm during academic conferences, there was significant buzz on Twitter over the course of the two days these results were presented:


This also included the New England Journal of Medicine immediately tweeting after the presentations that LATITUDE and STAMPEDE were published instantaneously:


Furthermore, immediately following Dr. Fizazi’s presentation of LATITUDE, Dr. Eric Small from @UCSF presented a discussion of LATITUDE. A number of important points were raised. First, although this was a well-designed, placebo controlled, randomized phase III study, early unblinding (although appropriate) resulting in an HR of 0.62 for OS is based on only 50% of the targeted total deaths. Making conclusions based on interim analyses must be made with caution. However, with every endpoint reaching statistical significance and conditional probability modeling, if the study had remained blinded, the probability of reaching the same conclusions is high. Second, since twice as many patients in the ADT + placebo arm received life-prolonging therapy than compared to the ADT + AA + placebo arm, the benefit of AA is not explained by more secondary life-prolonging therapy, strengthening the cause for AA + ADT.

Perhaps the most interesting and pertinent clinical comparison is assessing outcomes of the LATITUDE and CHAARTED (high-volume disease) treatment arms (AA vs docetaxel). With similar median OS outcomes between the ADT control arms of the two trials (suggesting similar populations), the HRs for OS based on treatment are nearly identical:


Similarly, the rPFS outcomes were comparable between the two trials:


With nearly identical OS and rPFS outcomes for men receiving ADT + AA or ADT + docetaxel, the question becomes whether the impact of adding AA to ADT is volume or risk dependent. Results from the STAMPEDE trial would suggest remarkably similar outcomes support the use of AA + ADT in patients with less burden of disease. Arguably the most important slide of the meeting was captured and tweeting by Dr. Agarwal (@neerajaiims):


Dr. Small eloquently summarized future directions into two groups. Unanswered questions regarding efficacy include: (i) Can a genomic classifier be used to select patients more likely to benefit from AA or docetaxel? (ii) Can AA be added in even earlier settings (with radiation? Increasing PSAs?) (iii) Should AA and docetaxel be combined or used sequentially? Additionally, there are also unanswered questions regarding AA resistance, including (i) Will the mechanisms of resistance to AA be the same when used in the non-mCRPC setting? (ii) Will androgen receptor amplification still be observed? (iii) Will there be an increased risk of treatment-associated small cell/neuroendocrine prostate cancer? (iv) Does adding chemotherapy or AA to ADT result in more aggressive disease at the time of resistance? (v) What is the optimal therapy for a patient who progresses on ADT + AA, compared to a patient who progresses on ADT + docetaxel? Given the avoidance of potential chemotherapy related side effects (ie. neutropenic complications) for an oral, long-term treatment, AA + ADT should be considered standard of care for untreated, high-risk metastatic prostate cancer.

But what is the long-term economic landscape like when practice changing trials such as LATITUE and STAMPEDE suddenly thrust an expensive medication such as AA + prednisone directly to the forefront of hormone-naïve disease? Following these presentations, urologic oncologist, Twitter veteran, and Forbes correspondent Dr. Ben Davies (@daviesbj) wrote a provocative piece highlighting the potential ‘financial toxicity’ (particularly in the United States) that may result downstream of these trials:


A conservative estimate is a wholesale cost of $115,000 per year per patient for AA + prednisone, resulting in a crude estimate of a $2.8 billion annual expenditure for the drug in the United States alone if used in the hormone-naïve setting, according to Dr. Davies. As Dr. Davies also points outs, although the patent for AA expired in 2016 and there are currently 13 applications to make generic AA, the patent for prednisone lasts until 2027, with $30 billion riding on the lawsuit. Dr. David Penson (@urogeek) succinctly summarized via Twitter:


Strictly academically speaking, LATITUDE and STAMPEDE, in addition to the docetaxel benefits of CHAARTED, have provided clinicians with exciting Level 1 evidence for improving patient care in the high-risk/metastatic setting. The investigators and more importantly the thousands of patients and families are to be thanked and congratulated for their perseverance, hard-work, and willingness to participate in these practice-changing clinical trials. It is our job as clinicians to continue advocating the best treatment for our patients, whether this be through economic barriers in the United States, or access to appropriate care on a global scale.


Zach Klaassen, MD

Urologic Oncology Fellow

University of Toronto/Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Editorial: Celebrating BAUS and NICE Guidance

On behalf of the BAUS Council, I am delighted to write this editorial looking forward to the 73rd annual meeting of the BAUS, which will be held in Glasgow from 26 to 28 June. In response to feedback we had from delegates following BAUS 2016 and the successful European Association of Urology meeting in London this March, we have changed the format and duration of the meeting, ensuring that it has a distinct feel, reflecting the best of British Urology.

With Brexit looming and the precarious state of NHS finances, the continuing challenge for all of us working in the NHS is to deliver high-quality care within available resources, while embracing the latest evidence informing clinical practice. This month’s BJUI sees the first publication of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance on urological topics – ‘MTG29 GreenLight XPS for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia’ [1]. NICE has a fantastic track record in publishing highly regarded evidence-based syntheses across the breath of medicine and this guidance will stimulate the development and adoption of Greenlight laser for treating BPH as a day case procedure in the UK.

Assessing and critiquing new evidence are key elements of the annual BAUS meeting and this year is no exception. In all, 535 abstracts were submitted of which 157 will be presented. Whilst much of our clinical practice is of a high quality, analysis of the work done by the ‘Getting it right first time’ (GIRFT) team has shown a wide variation in practice for many common conditions in Urology. Simon Harrison, who leads the GIRFT team, will be giving an update on the progress of the work in a session looking at how standards can be applied in the real world at a session on Tuesday 27 June, entitled ‘Urology standards and the real world’.

On Monday 26 June, Academic Urology, Andrology and Genito-Urethral Surgery (AGUS), and Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology (FNUU) will be holding their annual meetings. State of the art lectures include Professor Trinity Bivalacqua speaking on ‘Molecular genetics and the prospect for future treatment strategies in Urology’. The AGUS section will focus on the genital emergencies consultation and the future of andrology in the UK, shedding light on specialist commissioning and training in the speciality. Highlights of the FNUU section meeting will include an update on meshes and tapes and the medicolegal consequences of adverse outcomes.

British urology has played a pivotal role in our understanding of the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. Reflecting this, a point-counterpoint debate will take place on Tuesday 27 June, with Caroline Moore and Paul Cathcart debating the necessity for prostate biopsy in patients with Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) 1and 2 lesions seen on MRI, drawing on evidence from the recent PROstate MRI Imaging Study (PROMIS) trial. On Wednesday 28, Noel Clarke will report on the latest news from the Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy (STAMPEDE) study, which to date has recruited >9000 patients. New evidence from the study is likely to herald a change in the care of our patients with metastatic prostate cancer.

In addition to state of the art papers, we are delighted to have a number of key opinion leaders attending the meeting. Reflecting the public’s high expectations and pressures on clinicians, Professor David Speigelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, will speak on the nature of risk and uncertainty in clinical practice. The BJUI Guest lecture will be delivered by David Prior (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the House of Lords). With the recent publication of The Long-term Sustainability of the NHS and Adult Social Care report [2], he is uniquely placed to give a perspective on the future direction of the NHS.

For the first time at our meeting there will be a session entitled ‘When things go wrong’. This session will focus on the impact of adverse events and burnout on Urologists, which promises to be insightful and thought provoking. With plenty of science, innovations in urological care and some politics, BAUS 2107 promises to be a fascinating meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.

Kieran OFlynn


President of the BAUS


Read the full article

How to Cite

O’Flynn, K. (2017), Celebrating BAUS and NICE Guidance. BJU International, 119: 815. doi: 10.1111/bju.13899



1 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.MTG29 GreenLight XPS for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia.BJU Int 2017;119:82330


2 House of Lords.The Long-term Sustainability of the NHS and Adult Social Care, 5 April 2017. Available at: Accessed 24 April 2017


Residents’ Podcast: NICE Guidance – GreenLight XPS for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia

Veeru Kasivisvanathan

SpR in Urology & NIHR Doctoral Fellow, University College London & University College Hospital London.

Read the full article

This National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance is the current, unaltered NICE guidance at time of publication. BJUI publishes selected NICE guidance relevant to urologists to extend their distribution and promote best practice.


  • 1.1
    The case for adopting GreenLight XPS for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia is supported in non-high-risk patients. GreenLight XPS is at least as effective in these patients as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), but can more often be done as a day-case procedure, following appropriate service redesign.
  • 1.2

    There is currently insufficient high-quality, comparative evidence to support the routine adoption of GreenLight XPS in high-risk patients, that is those who:

    • have an increased risk of bleeding or
    • have prostates larger than 100 ml or
    • have urinary retention.

    NICE recommends that specialists collaborate in collecting and publishing data on the comparative effectiveness of GreenLight XPS for high-risk patients to supplement the currently limited published evidence.

  • 1.3
    Cost modelling indicates that in non-high-risk patients, cost savings with GreenLight XPS compared with TURP are determined by the proportion of procedures done as day cases. Assuming a day-case procedure rate of 36%, and that the GreenLight XPS console is provided at no cost to the hospital (based on a contracted commitment to fibre usage), the estimated cost saving is £60 per patient. NICE’s resource impact report estimates that the annual cost saving for the NHS in England is around £2.3 million. In a plausible scenario of 70% of treatments being done as day cases, the cost saving may be up to £3.2 million.
  • 1.4
    NICE recommends that hospitals adopting GreenLight XPS plan for service redesign to ensure that day-case treatment can be delivered appropriately.
Read more articles of the week

The Surgical Safety Check List – May #urojc

Ever since the World Health Organisation launched the Safe Surgery Saves Lives campaign in 2007, surgical safety has been drawn to the forefront of the daily surgical routine. The introduction of the 19-point Surgical Safety Checklist, aimed at reducing preventable complications, has become key, with shouts of ‘time-out’ or ‘checklist’ becoming the norm at the start of each case. Equally whether known as the ‘huddle’ or ‘team brief’, the meeting of all team members at the beginning of the list not only helps plan for any changes from the normal routine, but gives a good chance to get to know any new members of staff and helps to promote the team-based atmosphere that encompasses a productive operating list. In the 2009 study evaluating the benefits of the Surgical Safety Checklist, a reduction in both the mortality rate and rate of inpatient complications were found to be significantly reduced1. Implementation of these safety protocols however requires effort and engagement from all members of the theatre team.

In the May, the International Urology Journal Club (@iurojc) #urojc debated a study by Haynes et al in which the reduction of 30-day mortality following the implementation of a voluntary, checklist-based surgical quality improvement program2. The study identified that hospitals completing the program had a significantly lower rate of 30-day mortality following inpatient surgery.

One of the first topics brought up in the debate is the variability in the implementation of safety checklists.


@StorkBrian raised the possibility that due to the addition of more items at the surgical time out, effectiveness decreases. Whether there is a lack of ability to concentrate on too much paper work was discussed

Conflicting evidence regarding the effect surgical checklists have on mortality was identified, with @WallisCJD bringing up the paper by Urbach et al as an example3.

The different outcomes from the two studies may however be attributed to the difference in follow up period and study design.


Another aspect of study design discussed was the inclusion criteria – which excluded day case procedures. Whether the outcome in 30-day mortality would be different if these are included, as they are more likely to be lower-risk surgery, is unclear.

Equally whether 30-day mortality is the most appropriate endpoint for the study was questioned – although clearly very important, it would be interesting to know if other factors, such as significant morbidity, altered following the quality improvement program.


Although the surgical checklist has become part of our daily life, the question as to why they are important was raised by @CanesDavid, with a variety of responses.

For many, it seemed that alongside the safety promotion, it helps to promote cohesive teamwork and communication, which may give all team members the confidence to voice any concerns.


Giving all team members the ability to speak up with confidence if they identify any concerns will only benefit patients and staff.

Equally, the culture of safety promoted in teams who engage with the surgical checklist process may not be limited to the checklist itself, but to the surgical environment in general


One clear concern some have with the mandating of the surgical checklist is ensuring it does not just become a ‘tick-box’ exercise


Regardless of whether you find the checklist another form to fill, or a key part of your operating list, the goal of the process is clear: to protect our patients from preventable mistakes.

This study, confirming the original findings from the 2009 study that surgical safety checklists improve operative mortality, adds to the argument that this must become an inherent part of our practice. Key in this study however was the entire program promoting engagement in the concept of surgical safety, and supporting the team as a unit in this. The debate around this paper has highlighted that although the process of completing the mandatory checklists is important, perhaps the more important aspect is creating a culture of safety, openness and honest communication in which all team members can work together to promote safe surgery.


Sophia Cashman is a urology trainee working in the East of England region, UK. Her main areas of interest are female and functional urology. @soph_cash



1. Haynes AB, Weiser TG, Berry WR, et al. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population. New England Journal of Medicine 2009;360(5):491-9
2. Haynes AB, Edmondson LBA, Lipsitz SR, et al. Mortality Trends After a Voluntary Checklist-based Surgical Safety Collaborative. Annals of Surgery 2017. Published Ahead-of-Print
3. Urbach DR, Govindarajan A, Saskin R, et al. Introduction of Surgical Safety Checklists in Ontario, Canada. New England Journal of Medicine 2014;370(11):1029-1038


#AUA17: Highlights from Boston part 2

The #AUA17 meeting was starting to hot up with the anticipation of the crossfire sessions controversy in urology,  second opinion cases and surgical technique plenary session. The early crossfire session was looking at adult onset hypogonadism. The  debaters  gave convincing arguments on both sides of the discussion but we were left in no doubt that adult-onset hypogonadism is a true medical condition and urologists need to recognise the symptoms and treat when appropriate.


There was a lively crossfire debate on the use off transperineal biopsy  vs TRUS biopsy for the detection of prostate cancer. There we some moral arguments in favour of  transperineal biopsy stated. Laurence Klotz presented the AUA MRI targeted biopsy consensus statement.






The results of the 24 months follow-up of the aquablation study was presented. The mean operative time was 45 mins with a aquablation time of 5 mins!  There was a 34% prostate volume reduction. There were no cases of urinary innocence , ejection or erectile dysfunction. The WATER study was presented comparing aquablation vs TURP.  The study found aqua ablation superior to TURP in terms of safety, Q max and IPSS reduction. We look forward to long term data but the initial results presented look promising





In a packed breakfast session we were given an excellent overview of the role of Immune checkpoint inhibitors in bladder cancer. The audience was treated to a state-of-the-art update on the newer drugs on the horizon, their indications, side effects and early clinical trial data. Watch his space for the new check point inhibitors for treatment of metastatic bladder cancer.



Burnout was a main theme across many of the sessions at the AUA. The poster by Nash et al. looked at results from the AUA census. They found that 41% of urologist surveyed  between the ages of 29-65 experienced burnout. Other risk factors included working in a multi speciality practise. Paediatric  urologists and urologist older than 65 were least likely to suffer from burnout. Very important issues have been highlighted at this meeting and gives food for thought for us all.







The eagerly awaited results of the randomised open verses robotic cystectomy (RAZOR) trial was announced at the AUA. the findings of the study showed that robotic cystectomy is not inferior to open cystectomy with respect to 2 year progression free and overall survival. As expected blood loss, length  to stay favoured the robotic cystectomy group but complication rates, overall surgical margins and lymph node yield were similar.



Bladder cancer diagnosis cost effectiveness was highlighted in a plenary session. Cost-effectiveness of ultrasound vs CT with cystoscopy was presented. The study found that the use of CT rather than ultrasound increased costs by $65 million / 1 cancer detected. This study highlights the need to risk stratify the use of CT in investigation of patients with non visible heamaturia.



One of the major announcements was the much anticipated phase 3 trial results looking at immediate post-TURBT instillation of gemcitabine vs saline in patients with newly diagnosed or occasionally recurring low grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer,  SWOG S0337. The study shows reduced recurrence by 34% with little toxicity. There was a lot of excitement regarding gemcitabine as it 5-10 times cheaper than the widely used mytomycin C.






baus-bjui-usanz17The BAUS-BJUI-USANZ joint session was a fantastic overview from some of the top UK, US and Australian urologists. The highlights of the session included the talks on personalised medicine. The president of the British Association of Urological Surgeons Mr Kieran O’Flynn gave an insightful talk on training and inspiring the next generation of urologists. This was followed up by the Australian perceptive on urological training for the future. Khurshid Guru, Director of Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, gave an overview of cognitive training in surger . Finally the Coffey-Krane Award – the BJUI Journal prize for trainees based in The Americas – was awarded to Drs. Ranjith Ramasamy and Jason Kovac on their paper titled ‘Hypogonadal symptoms in young men are associated with a serum total testosterone threshold of 400 ng/dL’.

ckprize17Dr Ramasamy receives the 2017 Coffey-Krane prize from Prof Dasgupta

The Christchurch Medal was awarded to  Dr. Catherine deVries for her work on developing urological training programs in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Congratulations to all the award winners and the BJUI team on an  exceptional programme.




In a busy trauma symposium the management of grade 4 renal injuries was presented. A multi centre study  looking at  safety in early mobilisation after renal trauma examined the benefits. The study concluded that the advantages for early mobilisation included increase in return of bowel function, reduced length of hospital stay, but acknowledged the increased risk of early mobilisation in higher grade traumas. One study looking specifically at outcomes in grade 4 renal injuries found 14% of the patients were unstable on  presentation, 52% required a blood transfusion with 24 hours and 74% of those with grade 4 renal injury had associated injuries.






The medical expulsive therapy (MET) debate rumbled on in 2017 at the AUA. Results of the late breaking abstract the Study of Tamsuolsin for Urolithiasis in the Emergency department (STONE) was presented.  The end point was stone passage at 28 days, with CT used to confirm stone passage. The study found no difference for stone passage rates for stones less than 9 mm compared to placebo.




At the ROCK session UK urologist Matthew Bultitude (@MattBultitude) gave an excellent case against  MET has he debated with John Hollingsworth. It is safe to say now ‘MET IS DEAD’




The NBA playoff final were on the Monday evening with the Boston Celtics beating the  Washington Wizards 115-105 in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference semi-finals. Many of the conference attendee took time out to watch the game live and support their adopted team the Boston Celtics.






It has been another excellent AUA in Boston. It was good to catch up with old friends and urologists from across the globe to debate and update on the latest management in urology. It was another record breaking year for the #AUA17 on twitter. It surpassed the stats for #AUA16 with over 52 million impressions, 20,530 tweets 3,591 participants. See you all in San Fransisco  for AUA 2018.




By Jonathan Makanjuola (@jonmakurology) and Nicholas Raison (@NicholasRaison)



#AUA17: Highlights from Boston part 1

It was a cold and wet Boston that welcomed the thousands of delegates from around the world for the start of #AUA17. Being home to such pre-eminent centres of learning and academia as Harvard, MIT and Fenway Park, we looked forward to a productive and enjoyable meeting. Set on the South Boston Waterfront, the Boston Convention and Exhibition Centre offered an elegant home to us for the next 5 days and provided all the necessary tools for scientific discussion: numerous coffee shops and speedy wi-fi.

Friday morning started off with a fascinating plenary session hosted by Prof Prokar Dasgupta (@prokarurol) on surgical techniques in radical prostatectomy. Three great “as live” demonstrations of open perineal, laparoscopic and robotic single site prostatectomy thrilled the packed room and once again demonstrated that it really isn’t the technique but the surgeon that really counts.

Following on in the plenary hall, the Tumour Boards offered informative panel discussions on all the major tumours. Of note the multidisciplinary discussion on prostate cancer highlighted some important key messages. Use of risk calculators was emphasised as well as the importance of reducing our reliance on PSA and the number of biopsies. Dr Stacey Loeb (@staceyloeb) gave some helpful reasons for the greater incorporation of the prostate cancer biomarkers into the clinical decision making process. But Dr Kibel made the excellent point that especially with all these new tests, the key is that we and, more importantly, the patients believe the results.

Similarly, the bladder cancer panel offered a number of points for discussion. Interestingly Dr Ashish Kamat(@UroDocAsh) highlighted the discrepancies between the EAU and AUA in risk stratification of high grade tumours which prompted extensive discussion in the twitter-sphere.

The potential for the new urinary markers to aid prostate cancer risk stratification featured prominently throughout the conference. The clear message was for their greater integration with other diagnostic tests such as MRI.

But worrying evidence that urologists in the States are already having to fight with insurance companies for an mpMRI, how easy this will be remains to be seen.


The morning in the plenary hall was nicely rounded off by the presentation of the latest AUA guidelines for managing RCC. In particular, the emphasis on biopsy and active surveillance of the small renal mass was strongly promoted.


Friday ended with a great evening session on robotic surgery organised by Mount Sinai Hospital. A panel of experts discussed and critiqued a trio of robotic procedures performed by Dr Tewari (Prostatectomy), Dr Badani (Kidney) and Dr Wiklund (Bladder). Despite the lengthy queues for the free snacks, Mount Sinai Hospital put on a great evening with some truly incredible 4K 3d video courtesy of Sony.


And for those urologists that have managed to resist the alluring charms of the Da Vinci Robot, an AUA trip to Fenway park offered the chance to enjoy something some top-level baseball as well as the classic Boston snack of the Fenway Frank (Hotdog). Even if the precise rules of baseball remained somewhat of an enigma, the great atmosphere inside the ground, not to mention the Jumbotron proposal, meant a fantastic evening was had by all.


Saturday morning kicked off with another strong programme. Dr Robert Sweet’s Journal of Urology lecture gave us some pause for thought. Entitled “Staying Relevant in the Modern Age”, Dr Sweet set out a very persuasive case why it is up to us as urologists to take charge of training and accreditation. Especially since device manufacturers wash their hands of any responsibility, before adopting any new technology it is vital that we recognise the learning curve and ensure the correct systems are in place.


The journal of urology top papers of 2016 provided a handy summary of the new hot topics and points of interests. In particular recognition of the worryingly aggressive but also MRI-invisible cribiform subtype of prostate cancer caught the audience’s’ attention.


The AUA further supported the importance of education and training with an extensive presentation programme. The benefits of crowdsourcing where endorsed by a number of presentations led by a plenary presentation by Dr Khurshid Ghani (@peepeeDoctor). Crowdsourced reviews of videos of robotic prostatectomies performed by expert surgeons were again shown to be effective, this time correlating closely with patient outcomes.


Similarly, Dr Tom Lendvay (@LendvayT) presented even more surprising data that when compared to expert reviewers, the Mechanical Turks (as the crowdsource workers on Amazon are known) gave more reliable and consistent evaluations! Given the growing calls for ongoing technical assessment of surgeons together with the time and financial expense of recruiting expert surgeon appraisers, the somewhat unpalatable option of crowdsourced assessment of surgeons continues to grow.


The highly popular crossfire debates returned with Dr Gerhard Fuchs (@GerhardFuchs9) leading a lively debate on dusting vs basketing. Dr Olivier Traxer and Dr Khurshid Ghani (@peepeedoctor) made a strong case for dusting in front of a packed crowed. But the “basketeers” championed by Dr Sara Best (@BestSaraMD) and Dr Jodi Antonelli defended well. Backed up by a strong SoMe debate, the final opinion was that as with everything the key is selecting the right technique for the right patient although the definition of dust was still hotly contested.


SoMe was of course a critical component of the conference, with some lively debates really helping to create the feeling of a very inclusive and connected conference despite the thousands of delegates. SoMe also featured strongly in the presentations with interesting studies showing both a relationship between social media presence on online ratings and surgical volume.


The highlight of the Saturday evening was the highly popular annual BJUI Social Media Awards. The city bar of the Westin Waterfront quickly filled and Prof Prokar Dasgupta kicked off the evening with a boisterous but nevertheless very warm welcome. A/Prof Declan Murphy, compère for the night, presented the many awards for the organisations and individuals that had done most to promote SoMe in urology. Best urology journal for social media was awarded to the Journal of Urology – recognising the significant steps they have made recently in this field. Other winners included Dr Stacey Loeb for best social media paper, the EAU for the best app and Christopher Wallis for the most read blog.


By Jonathan Makanjuola (@jonmakurology) and Nicholas Raison (@NicholasRaison)



The 5th BJUI Social Media Awards

It’s hard to believe that we have been doing the BJUI Social Media Awards for five years now! I recall vividly our inaugural BJUI Social Media Awards in 2013, as the burgeoning social media community in urology gathered in the back of an Irish Bar in San Diego to celebrate all things social. At that time, many of us had only got to know each other through Twitter, and it was certainly fun going around the room putting faces with twitter handles for the first time. That spirit continues today as the “uro-twitterati” continues to grow, and the BJUI Awards, (or the “Cult” Awards as our Editor-in-Chief likes to call them), remains a fun annual focus for the social-active urology community to meet up in person.

As you may know, we alternate the Awards between the annual congresses of the American Urological Association (AUA) and of the European Association of Urology (EAU). Last year, we descended on Munich, Germany to join the 13,000 or so other delegates attending the EAU Annual Meeting and to enjoy all the wonderful Bavarian hospitality on offer. This year, we set sail for the #AUA17 Annual Congress in Boston, MA, along with over 16,000 delegates from 100 different countries. What a great few days in beautiful Boston and a most welcome return for the AUA to this historic city. Hopefully it will have a regular spot on the calendar, especially with the welcome dumping of Anaheim and Orlando as venues for the Annual Meeting.


On therefore to the Awards. These took place on Saturday 13th May 2017 in the City Bar of the Westin Waterfront Boston. Over 80 of the most prominent uro-twitterati from all over the world turned up to enjoy the hospitality of the BJUI and to hear who would be recognised in the 2017 BJUI Social Media Awards. We actually had to shut the doors when we reached capacity so apologies to those who couldn’t get in! Individuals and organisations were recognised across 12 categories including the top gong, The BJUI Social Media Award 2017, awarded to an individual, organization, innovation or initiative who has made an outstanding contribution to social media in urology in the preceding year. The 2013 Award was won by the outstanding Urology Match portal, followed in 2014 by Dr Stacy Loeb for her outstanding individual contributions, and in 2015 by the #UroJC twitter-based journal club. Last year’s award went to the #ilooklikeaurologist social media campaign which we continue to promote.

This year our Awards Committee consisted of members of the BJUI Editorial Board – Declan Murphy, Prokar Dasgupta, Matt Bultitude, Stacy Loeb, John Davis, as well as BJUI Managing Editor Scott Millar whose team in London (Max and Clare) drive the content across our social platforms. The Committee reviewed a huge range of materials and activity before reaching their final conclusions.

The full list of winners is as follows:

Most Read Blog@BJUI – “The optimal treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer: the debate rages on”. Dr Chris Wallis, Toronto, Canada


Most Commented Blog@BJUI – “It’s not about the machine, stupid”. Dr Declan Murphy, Melbourne, Australia


Most Social Paper – “Novel use of Twitter to disseminate and evaluate adherence to clinical guidelines by the European Association of Urology”. Accepted by Stacy Loeb on behalf of herself and her colleagues.


Best BJUI Tube Video – “Combined mpMRI Fusion and Systematic Biopsies Predict the Final Tumour Grading after Radical Prostatectomy”. Dr Angela Borkowetz, Dresden, Germany


Best Urology Conference for Social Media – #USANZ17 – The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Urological Association of Australia & New Zealand (USANZ) 2017. Accepted by Dr Peter Heathcote, Brisbane, Australia. President of USANZ.


Best Urology App – The EAU Guidelines App. Accepted by Dr Maria Ribal, Barcelona, Spain, on behalf of the EAU.


Innovation Award – BJUI Urology Ontology Hashtags keywords. Accepted by Dr Matthew Bultitude, London, UK, on behalf of the BJUI.


#UroJC Award – Dr Brian Stork, Michigan, USA. Accepted by Dr Henry Woo of Brian’s behalf.

Most Social Trainee – Dr Chris Wallis, Toronto, Canada


Best Urology Journal for Social Media –Journal of Urology/Urology Practice. Accepted by Dr Angie Smith, Chapel Hill, USA, on behalf of the AUA Publications Committee.


Best Urology Organisation – Canadian Urological Association. Accepted by Dr Mike Leveridge, Vice-President of Communications for CUA.


The BJUI Social Media Award 2017 – The Urology Green List, accepted by Dr Henry Woo, Sydney, Australia.


All the Award winners (except Dr Brian Stork who had to get home to work), were present to collect their awards themselves. A wonderful spread of socially-active urology folk from all over the world, pictured here with BJUI Editor-in-Chief, Prokar Dasgupta.


A special thanks to our outstanding BJUI team at BJUI in London, Scott Millar, Max Cobb and Clare Dunne, who manage our social media and website activity as well as the day-to-day running of our busy journal.

See you all in Copenhagen for #EUA18 where we will present the 6th BJUI Social Media Awards ceremony!


Declan Murphy

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia

Associate Editor, BJUI


The British are coming!

bju13868-fig-0001Historians report that Paul Revere never said these famous words; as Colonial Americans at the time still considered themselves British. Indeed, Americans still consider themselves European. The United States Census reports that 73% of Americans are of European descent, and 62% of these are of English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish ancestry.

These links to our heritage remain strong. With >1100 European members (close to 200 from the UK) and >300 members from Australia and New Zealand, our bonds of friendship and collaboration are tightly intertwined. So if Paul Revere won’t say it, I will!

The British are coming! Each year >2000 Europeans attend our Annual meeting (200 from the UK) and >100 from Australia and New Zealand. They are represented not only in quantity but also in quality. Of the 1700 scientific abstracts submitted from Europe to the 2017 Annual meeting, the acceptance rate was 38% for the UK, compared to an overall acceptance rate of 34%. Important science comes from the UK and Australia, and raises the quality of our meeting.

The BAUS–BJUI–USANZ Joint Session on Sunday 14 May in Boston is a clear example of how the BJUI family, as the official journal of the USANZ and the BAUS ‘raises the bar’ at the AUA Annual Meeting. With focuses on personalised medicine, genomics, systems biology, immunotherapy, and ‘training the brain’, it promises to stimulate and educate. Following this we look forward to toasting our transatlantic brothers and sisters with a Boston Lager at the BJUI reception.

The British are coming! We look forward to welcoming you in Boston in May.

Manoj Monga, AUA Secretary
Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA


AUA 2017


BAUS – BJUI – USANZ Joint Session 2017

Sunday, May 14                               2:00 PM                Westin Grand Ballroom CDE

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Personalised Medicine

CHAIR: Prokar Dasgupta, BJUI Editor-in-Chief, King’s Health Partners, London, UK


Bernard Bochner, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA

Personalised Medicine for Bladder cancer

1420-1440 Ian Vela, BJUI Sponsored USANZ Lecture, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

Personalised Medicine for Prostate Cancer

1440-1450 Wade Bushman, University of Wisconsin, USA

Personalised Medicine for BPH

1500-1520 John Davis, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Immunotherapy for Urological Cancers

1520-1550 Afternoon tea

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Urological Training for the Future

CHAIR: Peter Heathcote, President USANZ, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

1550-1610 Kieran O’Flynn, BJUI Sponsored BAUS Lecture, President BAUS, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, UK

Training and Inspiring the Next Generation of Urologists

1610-1630 Khurshid Guru, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

The Role of Cognitive Training in Surgery

1630-1645 BJUI Peer Review prize for best reviewer from The Americas presented by Prokar Dasgupta

Christchurch Medal Presented by Peter Heathcote

BJUI Coffey-Krane Award for trainees based in The Americas presented by Prokar Dasgupta

1700-1900 BJUI Reception



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