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The Journal that never sleeps

Thank you all for your overwhelming support of the new web and paper versions of the BJUI. For those who have missed it, please check out the web journal at:

We hope you had a relaxing holiday period – we certainly did and recharged our batteries. Despite this, the editorial team at the BJUI handled 76 articles between Christmas 2012 and New Year’s Day 2013; an average of 10 per day.

This is a reflection of the global popularity of the BJUI. We have papers coming in from all over the world from many different time zones. Furthermore, New Year celebrations in the West do not necessarily match others, such as the Chinese New Year or the Baisakhi in the Northern Indian subcontinent. The BJUI wants to continue receiving the best papers from our authors irrespective of where they are on this planet.

As a celebration of our truly global presence we are delighted to present content from around the world at as articles, blogs and videos, and we invite you to post your comments on any or all of these.

The BJUI poll shows that our readers love the ‘article of the week’, which is available completely free to everyone, everywhere.

In this issue we highlight the role of tadalafil, not just in erectile dysfunction but also in ejaculatory and orgasmic dysfunction. This article provides Level 1 evidence and is accompanied by an editorial from Mike Wyllie, our expert in Sexual Medicine.

Please keep the conversations going on Twitter, Facebook and Blogs@BJUI. Your web journal needs you.

Prokar Dasgupta, Editor-in-Chief

Ashutosh Tewari, Editorial Board

Video of Ashutosh Tewari reading the Journal in New York

5 replies
  1. Henry Woo
    Henry Woo says:

    The message is loud and clear in that the BJUI is a truly international!

    Interesting how other journals are following your innovative lead with the production of iPad apps to read the journal. The simplicity of structure and functionality of the website is also leading the way and allows anybody from student to the most famous of our professors to make a contribution to content.

    Congratulations to you and your team on what had been achieved so far.

  2. John W. Davis
    John W. Davis says:

    Feb 11th, 2013–I’m currently at one of my favorite meetings–the Jackson Hole Urology Seminars. Of course the setting in Teton Village is a factor, but this is a legendary meeting because the faculty presentations (20 min each) are then critiqued at the end of the day by an expert panel. Thus the ratio of presentation to discussion is around 50:50–very different from our large meetings where discussion may only be 1-2 minutes. We can replicate this experience with the new BJUI by taking advantage of the commentary section to keep the critiques and analyses going. We want to hear from you!

    Lots of nice references to fine BJUI publications at the meeting also.

    John W. Davis, Associate Editor, BJUI

  3. Ros Eeles
    Ros Eeles says:

    Just reading my first set of comments from New York en route to GU ASCO – to confirm that this is indeed an international audience and that we are commenting in all timeframes.

  4. Prokar Dasgupta
    Prokar Dasgupta says:

    Thanks Ros!
    We appreciate your support and help particularly with our new “Translational Science” section. We hope that the BJUI becomes similar to the science of “omics” which can be accessed from almost anywhere over the web. I remember Lee Hood’s team developing the Prostate expression database (PEDB) around 2000, in the heady days of the Human Genome Project. It allowed us to enjoy the work of scientific colleagues at the the other end of the globe from Seattle.
    The world today is becoming a smaller place and in publishing we must create the ability to reach our readers wherever they may be.

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