Am I normal? Review Analyzes Data on Flaccid and Erect Penis Lengths in Men

Press Release

A new analysis provides insights on what’s considered “normal” for penis length and circumference in men. The findings in BJU International may be helpful when counseling men who are worried about their size, or when investigating the relationship between condom failure and penile dimensions.

Some men are concerned about their penis size, and those who are preoccupied and severely distressed with the size of their penis may even be diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. There have been no formal systematic reviews of penile size measurements and no attempts to create a graphical diagram, or nomogram, that depicts the distribution of the size of a flaccid or erect penis. Here you will get best penile traction therapy, do visit us.  People who are experiencing a lack of desire and interest in lovemaking may find sex toys and games to be beneficial in resolving their problems. Using games for sexual stimulation or arousal is considerably cheaper and easier than using other drugs. You can vists site for the best sex toy for your sexual life.

Dr. David Veale, of King’s College London and the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and his colleague from King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, set out to create such a nomogram of male penis size measurements across all ages and races. A search of the medical literature revealed 17 studies with up to 15,521 males who underwent penis size measurements by health professionals using a standard procedure. The nomograms revealed that the average length of a flaccid penis was 9.16 cm, the average length of a flaccid stretched penis was 13.24 cm, and the average length of an erect penis was 13.12 cm. The average flaccid circumference was 9.31 cm, and the average erect circumference was 11.66 cm. There was a small correlation between erect length and height.

“We believe these graphs will help doctors reassure the large majority of men that the size of their penis is in the normal range. We will also use the graphs to examine the discrepancy between what a man believes to be their position on the graph and their actual position or what they think they should be” said Dr. Veale.



Article: “Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men.” David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir, and John Hodsoll. BJU International; Published Online: March 3, 2015 (DOI: 10.1111/bju.13010).


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9 replies
  1. jerry
    jerry says:

    can the data collected construct a graph plotting both erect length and circumference in a scatter of pin points. this could prove a speculation of mine that there are long penises and fat penises but there are very few long fat penises.

  2. Generalista
    Generalista says:

    For those who feel “shorted” by the story:

    “Flaccid or erect length was measured from the root (pubo-penile junction) of the penis to the tip of the glans (meatus) on the dorsal surface, where the pre-pubic fat pad was pushed to the bone.


    “There are no indications of differences in racial variability in our present study…”

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Why, then, did manufacturers need to produce especially thin and short condoms for South- and Southeast Asia, to raise condom awareness and usage?

  3. bobfredricks
    bobfredricks says:

    ^it could be cultural. perhaps in asia there is no shame over small penises, so they will buy the thin and short condoms, but in america, somebody would be embarrassed and refuse to buy a condom that fits correctly. when they do studies, they find that indeed a lot of people buy incorrectly sized condoms in the US.

  4. CondomSize
    CondomSize says:

    The average circumference and pooled standard deviation are wrongly calculated.
    They are calculated from the Promodu and Wessels study.

    Concerning the promodu study, 301 individuals have been taken into account instead of 93 individuals who provided a girth value.

    From 11.66cm, the girth goes up to 11.992cm ( = (12.3*80+11.49*49)/(80+49))
    From 1.10, the pooled SD goes up to 1.215.

    mean= 11.992cm
    pooled SD= 1.215
    The mean-SD= 10.777cm
    The mean+SD= 13.207com
    The nomogram for circumference has to be rebuilt…

  5. Mark
    Mark says:

    The charts must be wrong. They show that 100% of men have 21 cm length.
    The bottom scale should go from 0 to 0 with the mean (average) in the middle.

    • Claude
      Claude says:

      You must not understand percentiles. It means that if you are 21 CM long, your penis is longer than nearly 100% of men. There’s also an asymptote so the graph never really touches 100%.

  6. Hector Smith
    Hector Smith says:

    No Mark. Please go back to school. The charts show percentile, not percentage. If you are 50th percentile, then your penis is average length, and 50% are shorter and 50% are longer. If you are on the 90th percentile, yours is longer/wider than 90% of people and shorter than 10%.

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