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Key Hashtags: Incorporating Ontology tags into articles

The urology tag ontology project defines a list of hashtags to standardise descriptors for use in social media. This was an agreed list by crowd sourcing the urological social media community. The project itself is discussed in more detail in Alexander Kutikov’s recent blog.

New for 2017, at the BJUI we are phasing in hashtags into our journal articles under the ‘Key Words’ – so effectively Key Hashtags if you like. The aim of this is threefold.

  • Firstly, to guide readers to relevant hashtags if they are unfamiliar with them so hoping to reinforce the standardisation of these tags.
  • Secondly, we hope that this will ensure that urologists tweeting about articles will use the correct relevant ontology hashtags so ensuring a constant thread on Social Media.
  • Lastly by incorporating hashtags into articles this should encourage wider use of social media amongst the urological community.

ontologyprojectusageThe daily use of urology ontology tags over recent weeks (source: Symplur)

An example is the article of the month for January. Whilst these may seem obvious for some readers, tags such #PCSM (Prostate Cancer Social Media) have not necessarily become widely known.

Hopefully this innovation will be useful to our readers and promote both the ontology project and correct use of hashtags amongst fellow urologists.

ontologyhashtagsList of Urology Tag Ontology hashtags (click image for larger image)


Matthew Bultitude is BJUI Associate Editor for the Web.



2 replies
  1. Alexander Kutikov, MD
    Alexander Kutikov, MD says:

    It is absolutely terrific to see the BJUI team’s innovation to harness the Urology Ontology effort for use as keywords in BJUI manuscripts.

    This will further allow for better sorting, filtering, and metric’ing of Academic Social Media content.

    Hendrik Borgmann’s recent efforts afforded an extremely insightful assessment of Urologic Twitter content by making use of the Urology Ontology Hashtag List:

    Having BJUI embrace the Urology Ontology Project is invaluable, as it will undoubtedly catalyze awareness and adoption of the hashtags.

    Clearly, the hashtag lexicon will grow organically, but will also need to be curated by key stakeholders. As such, in order to stay relevant, the Urology Ontology project will need to remain a living document. In this spirit, a 2017 update to the Hashtag List is to be rolled out shortly.

  2. Hendrik Borgmann
    Hendrik Borgmann says:

    Many thanks to the BJUI team for incorporating Key Hashtags to journal articles.
    Our discussion on the 2017 Update of the Urology Tag Ontology among key Social media influencers in urology indeed centred around this aspect: Key stakeholders in the urology community – and the BJUI is a major influencer – should promote using Urology Tag Ontology Hashtags. This is not only important for urology congresses but for our continuous information flow on #urology in social media.
    Again, many thanks to @BJUIJournal for these efforts.

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