Author Archive for: Roger Kirby

About Roger Kirby

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But we are proud to say that Roger Kirby contributed 24 entries already.

Entries by Roger Kirby

The Urology Foundation – Cycle Vietnam to Cambodia

Since 2008 we have cycled in Sicily, Malawi, Madagascar, Patagonia, South Africa and Rajasthan raising more than three quarter of a million pounds for The Urology Foundation. The seventh and latest instalment of the TUF cycling series is an amazing 450km cycle challenge through two of South East Asia’s most fascinating countries. The challenge starts […]

TUF Cycle India

The Urology Foundation Cycle Challenge in Rajasthan 19 – 28 November 2015 In memory of Professor John Fitzpatrick         After the gruelling cycling challenges in Sicily, Malawi, Madagascar, Patagonia, and most recently South Africa, which together have raised many hundreds of thousands of pounds for The Urology Foundation (TUF), our next Challenge […]

Professor John Fitzpatrick 1948-2014

Professor John Fitzpatrick 1948-2014 A Life in the Fast Lane Wednesday morning, the 14th May 2014, John M Fitzpatrick passed away aged 65. He left this life the way he lived it, in the fast lane. Taken ill at home in his own gym, where he was honing his fitness with his personal trainer, he […]

A new treatment option for prostatitis/prostatodynia?

The management of patients with chronic pelvic pain attributed to chronic prostatitis has long been rather unsatisfactory. Even prolonged treatment with an aminoquinolone, such as ciprofloxacin, and an anti-inflammatory agent, or, alternatively an alpha blocker, seldom results in rapid resolution of the symptoms, and is commonly completely ineffective. We recently encountered a patient, effectively disabled […]

Are you ready to go to prison on a manslaughter charge?

Which of us fancies ending their career with a spell in the clink? Being a surgeon in the UK has just become a whole lot riskier. We all know that in our job success can add extra years to our patients lives, by contrast, failure, can result in significant harm, or, in the worst circumstances, […]

The Spirit of Christmas

It’s that festive time of year when everything in London seems to be subsumed by the preparations for Christmas festivities. I thought therefore that it might be appropriate to devote a few thoughts to the sadly departed Tim Christmas, the outstanding surgeon and urologist to the Charing Cross and Royal Marsden Hospitals who died two […]

TUF Cycling Challenge in Southern Africa

(in memory of John Anderson MS FRCS) As most of you know, sadly John Anderson, President Elect of the British Association of Urological Surgeons, died this summer from advanced prostate cancer, which had spread to his liver (you can read John’s obituary in the BJUI and watch a video of his 2012 address to BAUS). […]

Editorial: Does inflammation reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

Chronic inflammation is thought to play an aetiological role in tumorigenesis in several cancers including bladder, oesophagus and liver [1]. Molecular studies show that it plays a critical role in several stages of the carcinogenic process including tumour initiation, promotion, metastases and response to therapy. However the role in prostate cancer is less clear and to […]

Increasing importance of truly informed consent: the role of written patient information

Roger Kirby*, Ben Challacombe*†, Simon Hughes*†, Simon Chowdhury*† and Prokar Dasgupta*† *The Prostate Centre, London W1 and †Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Hospital, London, UK Published as a comment article in BJU International 2013; 112: 715–716. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.11787.x Video Commentary by Roger Kirby, BJUI Associate Editor.

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