Author Archive for: admin Z.9
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But we are proud to say that admin Z.9 contributed 1242 entries already.
Entries by admin Z.9
Re: The Origins of Urinary Stone Disease: Upstream mineral formations initiate downstream Randall’s plaque
/by admin Z.9Letter to the Editor The Origins of Urinary Stone Disease: Upstream mineral formations initiate downstream Randall’s plaque Sir, We have read with great interest the paper by Hsi et al.[5] and we would like to comment on this paper with two aims: Firstly, to congratulate the authors on a new observation that could transform our […]
Infographic: The origins of urinary stone disease: upstream mineral formations initiate downstream Randall’s plaque
/by admin Z.9Figure 1 The medullo-papillary complex. A total of 8–12 paraboloid complexes are contained within each human kidney. Each complex can be separated into three zones (Zones 1–3) distinguished by distinct segments of the loop of Henle. There are short- and long-looped nephrons and vessels. Owing to the paraboloid geometry of the medullo-papillary complex, shorter looped […]
Re: Testosterone treatment is not associated with increased risk of prostate cancer or worsening of lower urinary tract symptoms: Prostate health outcomes in the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME)
/by admin Z.9Letter to the Editor Re: Testosterone treatment is not associated with increased risk of prostate cancer or worsening of lower urinary tract symptoms: Prostate health outcomes in the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME) Dear Sir, The paper by Frans M.J. Debruyne et al published July 2016 is very interesting [1]. With data from […]
What’s the Diagnosis?
/1 Comment/by admin Z.9These images are from filling phase of video urodynamics.
Article of the Week: Quality Improvement in Cystectomy Care with Enhanced Recovery (QUICCER) study
/by admin Z.9Every Week the Editor-in-Chief selects an Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post. In addition to the article itself, […]
Editorial: Quality improvement in cystectomy care with enhanced recovery (QUICCER) study
/by admin Z.9Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a multidisciplinary, multi-element care pathway approach that aims to standardise and improve perioperative management. Since the first publication on ERAS for radical cystectomy in the BJUI in 2008, the literature on this important factor in postoperative management of patients undergoing major surgery in the field of urology is rather […]
January 2017’s About the Cover
/by admin Z.9The first Article of the Month of 2017 comes from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. The cover image shows Munich’s Frauenkirche and New Town Hall. © Click here for this issue’s Table of Contents
January 2017 Editorial: Infographics
/by admin Z.9‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ is an English idiom that has been in use for over a 100 years. Never has it been truer than in the age of social media, when fans are perhaps more interested in ‘selfies’ with their celebrity superstars than in their autographs! With this in mind, we at the […]
Video: Step by Step. Evolution of robot-assisted orthotopic ileal neobladder formation
/by admin Z.9Evolution of robot-assisted orthotopic ileal neobladder formation: a step-by-step update to the University of Southern California (USC) technique Sameer Chopra, Andre Luis de Castro Abreu, Andre K. Berger, Shuchi Sehgal, Inderbir Gill, Monish Aron and Mihir M. Desai USC Institute of Urology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Objective […]