Author Archive for: admin Z.9

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Entries by admin Z.9

Hydronephrosis of Pregnancy in an Ectopic Pelvic Kidney

We present a case of a woman with an ectopic pelvic kidney and symptomatic hydronephrosis who failed conservative treatment and required ureteric stent placement. Authors: Toepfer, Nicholas; Parikh, Ankur; Bhangdia, Darshan Corresponding Author: Toepfer, Nicholas J   Introduction Hydronephrosis during pregnancy is common and has a reported occurrence between 43% and 100% (1).  Both mechanical […]

Primary small cell carcinoma of the ureter with hydronephrosis

We report a case of primary small cell carcinoma of the ureter with hydronephrosis. Authors: Zhao Zhenhua (1), Wang Boyin (1), Yang Jianfeng (1), Wang Ning (2), Pan Shouhua (3) 1. Department of Radiology, Shaoxing People’s Hospital (Zhejiang University Shaoxing Hospital) Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China 2. Department of Pathology, Shaoxing People’s Hospital (Zhejiang University Shaoxing Hospital) […]

Port–Site recurrence following Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy for Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma

Port-site metastasis following laparoscopic radical nephrectomy is being increasingly recognized as a complication following laparoscopic surgery, especially when correct surgical principles are violated. All previously reported cases have been of either the clear cell or papillary variant of renal cell carcinoma. Herein we report a case of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma with port-site recurrence 10 […]

Renal cell carcinoma in a setting of chronic lithium toxicity

A case of renal cell carcinoma on a background of acquired cystic disease due to chronic lithium toxicity is described. The possible pathogenetic mechanisms that may have lead to the development of the renal cell carcinoma in this setting are explored. Authors: Zardawi, Ibrahim; Nagonkar, Santoshi; Patel, Purvish Corresponding Author: Zardawi, Ibrahim   Lithium salts […]

Megameatus Intact Prepuce revisited

We present the case of a 41 year old male who was referred to the outpatient department with microscopic hematuria Authors: Bourdoumis, Andreas; Kapoor, Sona; Bhanot, Shiv Corresponding Author: Bourdoumis, Andreas   Introduction Hypospadias is an abnormality in which the urethral opening is ectopically located on the ventrum of the penis as far down as […]

Intra-operative pulmonary embolism secondary to dislodged tumor thrombus from synovial sarcoma of the kidney

Primary synovial sarcoma (PSS) of the kidney is a rare occurrence, with preoperative diagnosis difficult to distinguish from other renal neoplasms. Presented here is the case of a patient who underwent elective left laparoscopic nephrectomy for a 6-cm renal mass. Intra-operatively, she decompensated into PEA from multiple pulmonary emboli secondary to dislodged tumor thrombus requiring […]

AV malformation of the penis

AVM of the glans penis is a very rare entity. It may be congenital or there may be a history of trauma. It may present asymptomatically. Meticulous surgery provides complete excision & good cosmetic results Authors: Gupta, Anurag ; Jaideep, Mahajani Corresponding Author: Gupta, Anurag   Introduction AV malformations of genitalia have been reported very […]

Osseous Metaplasia in Anterior Urethra

A 40-year-old male with history of gonococcal urethritis 20 years ago presented with repeated episodes of dysuria and urinary stream thinning for nearly 10 years. The clinical diagnosis was urethral stricture with calculi formation. Segmental resection of urethral stricture and end to end anastomosis were performed. Postoperative pathologic examination revealed multiple submucosal focal deposition of […]

Renal artery dissection as an unusual cause of unilateral loin pain

A 36-year old gentleman presented with severe sudden onset unilateral loin pain, suggestive of renal colic. Renal tract ultrasonography was unremarkable, but computerised tomography demonstrated renal infarction. Subsequent angiography proved a renal artery dissection. This uncommon diagnosis should be considered in patients with sudden onset loin pain, particularly those with risk factors such as hypertension, […]


Priapism is defined as full or partial erection persisting beyond four hours after sexual stimulation and orgasm. Malignant priapism caused by invasion of malignant cells into the cavernosal sinuses and their associated venous systems has been reported to be caused by penile metastasis but malignant priapism due to primary squamous cell carcinoma of the penis […]

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