Archive for year: 2015

EAU 2015 Review Days 3 and 4

Persistent rain throughout this year’s 30th EAU Annual Congress failed to dampen the spirits of over 12,000 delegates who have enjoyed another fantastic congress here in Madrid. The EAU Scientific Committee, led by Arnulf Stenzl, deserve tremendous credit for the work they have done to construct an extremely comprehensive and stimulating programme once again this year. I do recall my last EAU Congress in Madrid 12 years ago and there is no doubt but that the standard of this meeting has risen exponentially during this time. It is not just be Annual Congress of course which has developed in this time; the EAU has seen enormous growth in its global influence through the meteoric rise of European Urology, the activities of the European School of Urology (even beyond Europe), the pre-eminence of the EAU Guidelines, and the introduction of new initiatives such as UroSource. The Annual Congress is the nidus for much of this activity and it has become an unmissable event for many of us (even when based in Australia as I am!).

Rebecca Tregunna and Matthew Bultitude have already covered some of the highlights of the opening days of this year’s Congress in their BJUI blog . I will give you some further highlights and point you towards the excellent congress website which has archived a huge amount of material to allow you to catch up on sessions you may have missed.

Big highlights for me on day 3 and 4 include the following (please forgive my oncology focus):

PSMA PET scanning – there was considerable interest in the early data on PSMA PET scanning for recurrent prostate cancer at last year’s EAU Congress, and this year has seen some very positive data being presented from Munich and Heidelberg and further enthusiasm for this imaging modality. Tobias Maurer (Munich) presented a number of papers showing the high sensitivity in particular for PSMA PET in detecting recurrent prostate cancer at low levels of biochemical recurrence using either PET CT or PET MRI (poster 928).


Many other plenary speakers also highlighted the positive data surrounding PSMA PET and also the possible theragnostic potential of this in the future (poster 675 and Dr Haberkorn plenary lecture). However in the scientific souvenir session which closed the meeting, Dr Peter Albers burst the bubble somewhat by warning that we need much better data (tissue validation in particular), before we all rush towards PSMA. He has a point of course, although I have been extremely impressed with our initial experience using PSMA PET in Melbourne over the past six months and I do expect it to live up to the hype.

CHAARTED data looking good – Nine months after he made world-wide headlines when he presented the overall survival data of the CHAARTED study at ASCO, Dr Chris Sweeney crossed the Atlantic to again present this data to a packed eUro auditorium. This randomised study of 790 men with metastatic prostate cancer, has demonstrated that men who receive six cycles of docetaxel chemotherapy upfront at the time of starting androgen deprivation therapy, have a considerable survival benefit compared to those who receive ADT on its own (the current standard of care). This was especially so for men with high volume metastases who had a 17 month survival benefit (HR 0.61).


Although the French GETUG study has not shown the same benefit, Sweeney and others have proposed rational explanations for why this might be so. While the final paper has not yet been published (will be submitted this week), very many of us have already embraced the CHAARTED as the new standard of care for men presenting with high-volume metastatic prostate cancer. A proper landmark study.

Metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) – still more questions than answers. What an amazing few years for this disease area! Five years ago, urology trainees only had a handful of “essential reading” papers in the world’s top journal, the NEJM, that we could cite to support evidence-based practice. It is now difficult to keep up with all the landmark trials in NEJM and other top journals reporting overall survival advantage for a variety of agents targeting mCRPC. Enzalutamide has already joined the ranks of these blockbuster drugs and this year’s EAU saw more data illustrating the powerful activity of enzalutamide in the pre-chemo mCRPC space. In the Breaking News session on the final day, Dr Bertrand Tombal presented the final analysis of the PREVAIL study which confirmed the overall survival advantage of patients receiving enza pre-chemo when compared with placebo. The HR of 0.77 was strongly significant (p=0.0002) and the therapy was well tolerated.


However as pointed out by discussant Dr Maria de Santis, we have still a way to go to figure out which patient will benefit from which therapy and when. The sequence and combination of therapies is still being worked out, and while the potential of predictive biomarkers such as AR7 is certainly exciting, we are still bereft of data and tools (and funding), to figure out the best pathways.

Robot vs open surgery – cystectomy is the new battleground. As Alberto Brignati pointed out in his outstanding souvenir session on localised prostate cancer, it appears that the old debate of robotic vs open prostatectomy is no longer of interest. Despite the lack of prospective randomised data, there appears to be little doubt that robotic prostatectomy is the standard of care in many regions. A large number of posters and plenaries demonstrated convincing data of excellent outcomes in robotic prostatectomy series, including data from a multicenter randomised study (REACTT, poster 622) led by Dr Stolzenberg which demonstrated improved potency outcomes for robotic prostatectomy (not the primary endpoint).


The same cannot yet be said of robotic cystectomy. Despite my own enthusiasm for and publications on robotic cystectomy, it is hard to get away from some of the cautionary language being expressed about the role of robotic cystectomy at the moment. An excellent plenary featuring giants in the field of bladder cancer (Dr’s Bochner, Wiklund, Studer, Palou), debated the issue in the main eUro auditorium and the following day’s newsletter summed it up nicely:

This provoked much discussion on Twitter with some prominent names chiming in from the US. Dr Khurshid Guru got involved to reassure us that the International Robotic Radical Cystectomy Consortium which he leads will provide the answer.


Well said @khurshidguru!

On a non-cancer note, it is clear that some of the most popular session and courses at EAU15 were focused on uro-lithiaisis. Stone surgeons are also very active on Twitter and although I did not attend any stone sessions, I was pleased to see that standardization of terminology is also important to the “pebble-ologists”:


Finally, #EAU15 was truly a social experience, not just in the wonderful bars and restaurants of Madrid, but also through Twitter and other social media channels, strongly supported by the excellent communications team at EAU. We recently published a paper in the BJUI documenting the growth of social media at major urology conferences and at EAU in particular. Between 2012 and 2014, the number of Twitter participants increased almost ten-fold, leading to an increase in the number of tweets from 347 to almost 6,000 At #EAU14, digital impressions reached 7.35 million with 5,903 tweets sent by 797 participants.

(From Wilkinson et al BJUI 2015)

As might be expected, #EAU15 has continued this trajectory with almost 8000 tweets sent by 1220 participants.







One of the only criticisms I have of EAU15 is that the scientific program is now so large that it is impossible to get to all the sessions I am interested in. There did seem to be a lot of prostate cancer running simultaneously but I am not sure how much the Scientific Committee can do to avoid such clashes. Thankfully, the EAU meeting website contains a huge amount of material including webcasts, interviews, posters etc which allows delegates and EAU members to catch up on some of the outstanding content.

Another big attraction of the EAU Annual Congress is of course that it takes place in Europe’s most wonderful cities. EAU16 heads to Munich – put the date in your diary 11-15 March 2016.


Declan Murphy, Urologist, Melbourne
Associate Editor – Social Media, BJUI

Click here for Declan Murphy’s disclosures

Article of the Week: Co-administration of TRPV4 and TRPV1 antagonists potentiate the effect of each drug

Every week the Editor-in-Chief selects the Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.

In addition to the article itself, there is an accompanying editorial written by a prominent member of the urological community. This blog is intended to provoke comment and discussion and we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each post to join the conversation.

Finally, the third post under the Article of the Week heading on the homepage will consist of additional material or media. This week we feature a video from Prof. Francisco Cruz, discussing his paper. 

If you only have time to read one article this week, it should be this one.

Co-administration of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) and TRPV1 antagonists potentiate the effect of each drug in a rat model of cystitis

Ana Charrua†‡§, Célia D. Cruz‡§, Dick Jansen¶ , Boy Rozenberg¶ , John Heesakkers¶ and Francisco Cruz*†§

*Department of Urology, S. João Hospital, †Department of Renal, Urologic and Infectious Disease, ‡Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, §IBMC – Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, and ¶Department of Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Read the full article

To investigate transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) expression in bladder afferents and study the effect of TRPV4 and TRPV1 antagonists, alone and in combination, in bladder hyperactivity and pain induced by cystitis.


TRPV4 expression in bladder afferents was analysed by immunohistochemistry in L6 dorsal root ganglia (DRG), labelled by fluorogold injected in the urinary bladder. TRPV4 and TRPV1 co-expression was also investigated in L6 DRG neurones of control rats and in rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cystitis. The effect of TRPV4 antagonist RN1734 and TRPV1 antagonist SB366791 on bladder hyperactivity and pain induced by cystitis was assessed by cystometry and visceral pain behaviour tests, respectively.


TRPV4 is expressed in sensory neurones that innervate the urinary bladder. TRPV4-positive bladder afferents represent a different population than the TRPV1-expressing bladder afferents, as their co-localisation was minimal in control and inflamed rats. While low doses of RN1734 and SB366791 (176.7 ng/kg and 143.9 ng/kg, respectively) had no effect on bladder activity, the co-administration of the two totally reversed bladder hyperactivity induced by LPS. In these same doses, the antagonists partially reversed bladder pain behaviour induced by cystitis.


TRPV4 and TRPV1 are present in different bladder afferent populations. The synergistic activity of antagonists for these receptors in very low doses may offer the opportunity to treat lower urinary tract symptoms while minimising the potential side-effects of each drug.

Read more articles of the week

Editorial: How much potential for Transient Receptor Potential channels in the bladder?

In this issue of the BJUI, Charrua et al. [1] report on the possible interaction of two members of the vanilloid subfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in the control of rat urinary bladder function, TRPV1 and TRPV4. TRP channels are a family of cation-selective channels with 28 known mammalian members. Six of them belong to the subfamily of vanilloid receptors (TRPV channels) and fall into four groups, TRPV1/TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, and TRPV5/TRPV6. The physiological and pharmacological interest in these channels results largely from the finding that they can be activated by a plethora of physical and chemical stimuli; accordingly, they have been implicated in sensory function and pathophysiology of many organ systems [2]. A breakthrough in our understanding of such channels came with the reporting of TRPV1 and TRPV4 knock-out mice, which also exhibit a bladder phenotype; the role of TRP channels in lower urinary tract function has comprehensively been reviewed recently [3].

While the physiological regulation of TRPV1 by endogenous mediators is poorly understood, natural compounds such as capsaicin or resiniferatoxin are acute agonists of TRPV1 channels; however, over time, they desensitise the channel and hence act as inhibitors. These compounds have shown promise in the treatment of detrusor overactivity but also have problems attributed to their initial agonist effects [3]. TRPV4 are activated experimentally by hypotonicity induced cell swelling and several chemicals and more physiologically by moderate heat, stretch and shear stress, leading to the proposition that they may functions as a stretch sensor in the bladder. The inhibitory effects of TRPV1 agonists manifest only after prolonged exposure once desensitisation of their agonist effects occurs, and this initial agonistic phase is a source of undesirable effects. Therefore, a search is on for small molecules that have direct antagonist effects.

Charrua et al. [1] now report that two small molecule antagonists at TRPV1 and TRPV4, (SB355791 and RN1734, respectively) even in high doses did not affect bladder function in control rats. Intravesical installation of lipopolysaccharide is used to create an animal model of cystitis as it induces inflammation, detrusor overactivity and bladder pain. In this model, a high dose of the TRPV4 inhibitor reduced detrusor overactivity, whereas even the high dose of the TRPV1 inhibitor did not; however, a combination of ineffective doses of both inhibitors markedly decreased bladder reflex activity. On the other hand, each of the two drugs caused partial analgesia, but their combination was not more effective than either drug alone. This indicates an interesting functional interaction between TRPV1 and TRPV4 channels, which is specific for the overactivity vs the pain response. Previously, the Cruz group reported that bladder overactivity induced by nerve growth factor depends on the presence of functionally active TRPV1 [4]. Taken together this work shines light on networks of multiple mediators and their receptors that cooperate in the regulation of bladder function but previously have mainly been viewed in isolation. Such work may also have therapeutic consequences. As target-saturating concentrations of ligands at any of these receptors may cause relevant adverse effects, targeting multiple such receptors in low doses may open an avenue for a multi-pronged approach, particularly in patients with bladder dysfunction difficult to control with present treatment options.

This multiple target, low-dose approach is a therapeutically fascinating idea, but finding the right combination of doses in such a setting is a nightmare for any drug development scientist. Moreover, much of the specific role of such targets in pathophysiology remains to be explored before the present findings can be translated into clinical treatments, and the Charrua et al. study [1] will also help such efforts in other ways. Some of the initial thinking on the function of TRP channels in the control of bladder and other functions has been based on localisation studies with TRP channel antibodies, which may have been flawed. Similar to many other receptor antibodies [5], several of those directed against TRPV1 channels also have been shown to lack target specificity [6], leading to misunderstandings about the location and function of such channels. The validation for other TRPV1 and TRPV4 antibodies presented by Charrua et al. [1] will allow more robust studies in this regard and help to develop more valid understanding of TRP channels in physiology, pathophysiology and as treatment targets.

Read the full article
Martin C. Michel


Department of Pharmacolog y , Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany






3 Franken J, Uvin P, de Ridder D, Voets T. TRP channels in lower urinary tract dysfunction. Br J Pharmacol 2014; 171: 2537–51


4 Frias B, Charrua A, Avelino A, Michel MC, Cruz F, Cruz CD. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 mediates nerve growth factor-induced bladder hyperactivity and noxious input. BJU Int 2012; 110: E422–8


5 Michel MC, Wieland T, Tsujimoto G. How reliable arG-protein-coupled receptor antibodies? Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2009; 377: 385–8


6 Everaerts W, Sepúlveda MR, Gevaert T, Roskams T, Nilius B, De Ridder D. Where is TRPV1 expressed in the bladder, do we see the real channel? Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2009; 379: 421–5


Video: Co-administration of TRPV4 and TRPV1 antagonists

Co-administration of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) and TRPV1 antagonists potentiate the effect of each drug in a rat model of cystitis

Ana Charrua†‡§, Célia D. Cruz‡§, Dick Jansen¶ , Boy Rozenberg¶ , John Heesakkers¶ and Francisco Cruz*†§

*Department of Urology, S. João Hospital, †Department of Renal, Urologic and Infectious Disease, ‡Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, §IBMC – Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, and ¶Department of Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Read the full article

To investigate transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) expression in bladder afferents and study the effect of TRPV4 and TRPV1 antagonists, alone and in combination, in bladder hyperactivity and pain induced by cystitis.


TRPV4 expression in bladder afferents was analysed by immunohistochemistry in L6 dorsal root ganglia (DRG), labelled by fluorogold injected in the urinary bladder. TRPV4 and TRPV1 co-expression was also investigated in L6 DRG neurones of control rats and in rats with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cystitis. The effect of TRPV4 antagonist RN1734 and TRPV1 antagonist SB366791 on bladder hyperactivity and pain induced by cystitis was assessed by cystometry and visceral pain behaviour tests, respectively.


TRPV4 is expressed in sensory neurones that innervate the urinary bladder. TRPV4-positive bladder afferents represent a different population than the TRPV1-expressing bladder afferents, as their co-localisation was minimal in control and inflamed rats. While low doses of RN1734 and SB366791 (176.7 ng/kg and 143.9 ng/kg, respectively) had no effect on bladder activity, the co-administration of the two totally reversed bladder hyperactivity induced by LPS. In these same doses, the antagonists partially reversed bladder pain behaviour induced by cystitis.


TRPV4 and TRPV1 are present in different bladder afferent populations. The synergistic activity of antagonists for these receptors in very low doses may offer the opportunity to treat lower urinary tract symptoms while minimising the potential side-effects of each drug.

Read more articles of the week

Final Analysis of RT+ADT versus ADT alone in locally advanced CaP

1The March 2015 international urology journal club #urojc twitter discussion focused on a paper by Mason et al [1].  This article, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Feb 2015), reports on the preplanned final analysis of the randomized trial of radiotherapy (RT) and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) versus ADT alone in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer between 1995 and 2005.

The authors have previously reported on the survival benefits of RT added to ADT in this cohort of patients and the final analysis demonstrates a sustained longer-term survival outcomes of RT+ADT over a median follow-up of 8 years as compared to ADT alone.

As ever the discussion was lively with some polarized views. The feed commenced at 12:00pm PST on Sunday 1st March 2015 for a 48-hour period.  Initially debate focused on staging and the under-reporting of DRE findings:


Which was perhaps addressed by issues during the screening process…


Despite this, other aspects of staging were discussed, particularly the methods for node staging:


For N staging, the authors included either a clinical assessment (70.5% of patients), Imaging (8.5%) or surgical dissection (2.4%). Meanwhile, the accuracy of ‘clinical’ nodal staging was questioned.


Consideration of the patient inclusion criteria was followed by a discussion over the use of ADT in this patient cohort


In this context, ADT consisted of either BSO or lifelong LHRH agonists


However, the question was asked of ADT in addition to RT ‘is lifelong ADT appropriate?’


While for high-risk disease, evidence suggests that long-term (2-3 years) ADT should be used following RT [2, 3], for intermediate risk cancers, 8 weeks of adjuvant ADT remains the standard of care as highlighted in the recent RTOG 9910 data [4].


The rationale behind RT and ADT was noted:


While the results of the study came as no shock to some:


The addition of RT to ADT significantly improved OS and DSS. The study reports that ‘there was no evidence of any differences in deaths from other causes’, however, the issue of secondary malignancies with RT was ‘highlighted’:


Ultimately, the role of surgery for these patients was questioned. A point highlighted in the paper was not shared by some:



To conclude the March #urojc, some final comments were provided by @_TheUrologist:


Thanks to all those who participated in this months discussion. We look forward to the April #urojc.



[1] Mason, M.D., W.R. Parulekar, M.R. Sydes, et al., Final Report of the Intergroup Randomized Study of Combined Androgen-Deprivation Therapy Plus Radiotherapy Versus Androgen-Deprivation Therapy Alone in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. J Clin Oncol 2015;.

[2] Horwitz, E.M., K. Bae, G.E. Hanks, et al., Ten-year follow-up of radiation therapy oncology group protocol 92-02: a phase III trial of the duration of elective androgen deprivation in locally advanced prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:2497-504.

[3] Bolla, M., G. Van Tienhoven, P. Warde, et al., External irradiation with or without long-term androgen suppression for prostate cancer with high metastatic risk: 10-year results of an EORTC randomised study. Lancet Oncol 2010;11:1066-73.

[4] Pisansky, T.M., D. Hunt, L.G. Gomella, et al., Duration of androgen suppression before radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: radiation therapy oncology group randomized clinical trial 9910. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:332-9.

Chris Hillary @chrisjhillary

Clinical Fellow in Urology, Sheffield, UK


EAU 2015 Review Days 1 and 2

IMG_5462The 30th anniversary EAU congress is currently taking place in the beautiful but rainy city of Madrid with over 12,000 delegates attending. The opening Friday proved a monumental day with the start of the congress as well as personally as I gave into the pressure of social media, and joined Twitter. This is being heavily promoted by the EAU this year and with multiple engaging sessions going on at the same time this seemed to be the best way to have my cake and eat it and enjoy highlights from different parts of the meeting.

The second ESO prostate cancer observatory was well attended and led to interesting debates about PSA screening and informed consent due to risks of over-detection and subsequent overtreatment of indolent disease. Indeed Andrew Vickers also highlighted that the results of the much anticipated ProtecT trial should be interpreted with caution given the high number of Gleason 6 patients that have been randomised.

In the evening the opening ceremony took place with an emotional final introduction to the congress by Per Anders Abrahamsson as he steps down and hands over to Chris Chapple as EAU Secretary General (photo courtesy @uroweb).












The EAU also gave out a number of awards including the Crystal Matula award for promising young urologist which was given to Morgan Roupret.

The scientific programme on Saturday started with the main plenary session on controversies in bladder and kidney cancer. It is difficult to draw conclusions regarding lymphadenectomy in upper tract tumours due to a lack of randomised data but certainly based on retrospective data a benefit is seen both in terms of staging and cancer specific survival. A hot topic lecture on molecular profiling in bladder cancer gave a thrilling insight into how agents will be able to target pathways based on specific mutations and Professor Studer, in his last ever plenary session, led to an interesting debate on robotic vs. open radical cystectomy. This has caused much controversy recently with the Bochner randomised controlled trial and this debate will surely run and run. Maybe most importantly, as Studer concluded “The surgeon makes the difference not the instrument”. This was highlighted on the front cover of the congress news with a more downbeat headline on robotic cystectomy.


Next came an intriguingly titled talk “What would Charles Darwin make of renal cell carcinoma?” with discussion about the heterogeneity of renal tumours making it difficult to identify specific targeted treatments based on renal biopsy alone.
Multiple section meetings then ensued. From the EAU section of urolithiasis (EULIS) meeting it seems that PCNLs are increasingly being miniaturised with development to mini, ultra-mini and micro procedures. The issues behind “diabesity” and stones were discussed with Professor Reis Santos predicting an epidemic of stones either due to uric acid stone formation from obesity or calcium oxalate formation from malabsorbative bariatric procedures. There was also a recurring theme with poster and podium sessions on “ESWL – is there still a role?” While the argument is made for ESWL there is no doubt that worldwide treatment rates for ESWL are falling.
As the EAU Section of Female and Functional Urology there was an excellent series of talks on mesh and mesh complications. There was a fantastic review of dealing with these complications through a variety of approaches and techniques and whether all these should all be dealt with in high volume centres. Unfortunately, no one knows what high volume means for this. Interestingly the terminology is changing, moving away from ‘erosion’ to ‘exposure’ and ‘perforation’. Removing the mesh only relieves associated pain in 50% of cases and these dedicated centres need to offer multimodality treatments to deal with pain and ongoing continence issues.
In the parallel EAU section meeting of Genito-urinary Reconstructive Surgeons, Professor Mundy gave a personal 30 year series of 169 patients treated with both clam cystoplasty and artificial sphincter. The majority of complications were related to the sphincter. The largest subgroup was patients with Spina Bifida but were the patients with the best outcomes.
David Ralph in the EAU Section of Andrology stated that shunts were ineffective after 48 hours after priapism and that a prosthesis instead should be inserted to prevent corporal fibrosis.
The EAU section of Oncological Urology also heard that 68Ga-S+PSMA-PET improves detection of metastatic lymph nodes in prostate cancer and can be used intra-operatively in radioguided surgery for targeted lymph node dissection.
Overall the organisers have done a fantastic job with a well organised meeting and a great venue despite the disappointing weather. There were sessions that people could not get in to as the rooms were full.


However, with live TV screens outside those rooms and transmission to an adjacent overflow room this didn’t seem to matter too much. Much to look forward to for the rest of the conference #EAU15.

Rebecca Tregunna, Speciality Trainee, Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, West Midlands Deanery. @RebeccaTregunna

Matthew Bultitude, Consultant Urologist, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation Trust; Web Editor BJU International. @MattBultitude


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These images are taken from a recent BJUI paper: Primary invasive carcinoma associated with penoscrotal extramammary Paget’s disease: a clinicopathological analysis of 56 cases (Dai et al. BJUI 2015).

No such quiz/survey/poll

Article of the Week: Robotic management of GU injuries from obstetrical and gynecological operations

Every week the Editor-in-Chief selects the Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.

In addition to the article itself, there is an accompanying editorial written by a prominent member of the urological community. This blog is intended to provoke comment and discussion and we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each post to join the conversation.

Finally, the third post under the Article of the Week heading on the homepage will consist of additional material or media. This week we feature a video from Dr. Ronald Boris, discussing his paper. 

If you only have time to read one article this week, it should be this one.

Robotic management of genito-urinary injuries from obstetrical and gynecological operations: a multi-institutional report of outcomes

Paul T. Gellhaus, Akshay Bhandari*, M. Francesca Monn, Thomas A. Gardner,Prashanth Kanagarajah*, Christopher E. Reilly†, Elton Llukani†, Ziho Lee†, Daniel D. Eun†,Hani Rashid‡, Jean V. Joseph‡, Ahmed E. Ghazi‡, Guan Wu‡and Ronald S. Boris

Department of Urology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, *Division of Urology, Columbia University at Mount Sinai,Miami Beach, FL,†Department of Urology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, and‡Department of Urology, University ofRochester, Rochester, NY, USA

Read the full article

To evaluate the utility of robotic repair of injuries to the ureter or bladder from obstetrical and gynaecological (OBGYN) surgery


A retrospective review of all patients from four different high-volume institutions between 2002 and 2013 that had a robot-assisted (RA) repair by a urologist after an OBGYN genitourinary injury.


Of the 43 OBGYN operations, 34 were hysterectomies: 10 open, 10 RA, nine vaginally, and five pure laparoscopic. Nine patients had alternative OBGYN operations: three caesarean sections, three oophorectomies (one open, two laparoscopic), one RA colpopexy, one open pelvic cervical cerclage with mesh and one RA removal of an invasive endometrioma. In all, 49 genitourinary (GU) injuries were sustained: ureteric ligation (26), ureterovaginal fistula (10), ureterocutaneous fistula (one), vesicovaginal fistula (VVF; 10) and cystotomy alone (two). In all, 10 patients (23.3%) underwent immediate urological repair at the time of their OBGYN RA surgery. The mean (range) time between OBGYN injury and definitive delayed repair was 23.5 (1–297) months. Four patients had undergone prior failed repair: two open VVF repairs and two balloon ureteric dilatations with stent placement. In all, 22 ureteric re-implants (11 with ipsilateral psoas hitch) and 15 uretero-ureterostomies were performed. Stents were placed in all ureteric cases for a mean (range) of 32 (1–63) days. In all, 10 VVF repairs and two primary cystotomy closures were performed. Drains were placed in 28 cases (57.1%) for a mean (range) of 4.1 (1–26) days. No case required open conversion. Two patients (4.1%) developed ureteric obstruction after RA repair requiring dilatation and stenting. The mean (range) follow-up of the entire cohort was 16.6 (1–63) months.


RA repair of GU injuries during OBGYN surgery is associated with good outcomes, appears safe and feasible, and can be used successfully immediately after injury recognition or as a salvage procedure after prior attempted repair. RA techniques may improve convalescence in a patient population where quick recovery is paramount.

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