Archive for year: 2015

Article of the Week: 3D percutaneous navigation, integrating position-tracking with a tablet display

Every week the Editor-in-Chief selects the Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.

In addition to the article itself, there is an accompanying editorial written by a prominent member of the urological community. This blog is intended to provoke comment and discussion and we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each post to join the conversation.

Finally, the third post under the Article of the Week heading on the homepage will consist of additional material or media. This week we feature a video from Dr. Osamu Ukimura, discussing his paper. 

If you only have time to read one article this week, it should be this one.

Three-dimensional navigation system integrating position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display for percutaneous targeting

Arnaud Marien, Andre Castro de Luis Abreu, Mihir Desai, Raed A. AzharSameer Chopra, Sunao Shoji, Toru Matsugasumi, Masahiko Nakamoto, Inderbir S. Gill and Osamu Ukimura


USC Institute of Urology, Center for Focal Therapy of Prostate and Kidney Cancer, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA




To assess the feasibility of a novel percutaneous navigation system (Translucent Medical, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA) that integrates position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display.


A total of 18 fiducial markers, which served as the target centres for the virtual tumours (target fiducials), were implanted in the prostate and kidney of a fresh cadaver, and preoperative computed tomography (CT) was performed to allow three-dimensional model reconstruction of the surgical regions, which were registered on the body intra-operatively. The position of the movable tablet’s display could be selected to obtain the best recognition of the interior anatomy. The system was used to navigate the puncture needle (with position-tracking sensor attached) using a colour-coded, predictive puncture-line. When the operator punctured the target fiducial, another fiducial, serving as the centre of the ablative treatment (treatment fiducial), was placed. Postoperative CT was performed to assess the digitized distance (representing the real distance) between the target and treatment fiducials to evaluate the accuracy of the procedure.


The movable tablet display, with position-tracking sensor attached, enabled the surgeon to visualize the three-dimensional anatomy of the internal organs with the help of an overlaid puncture line for the puncture needle, which also had a position-tracking sensor attached. The mean (virtual) distance from the needle tip to the target (calculated using the computer workstation), was 2.5 mm. In an analysis of each digitalized axial component, the errors were significantly greater along the z-axis (P < 0.01), suggesting that the errors were caused by organ shift or deformation.


This virtual navigation system, integrating a position-tracking sensor with a movable tablet display, is a promising advancement for facilitating percutaneous interventions. The movable display over the patient shows a preoperative three-dimensional image that is aligned to the patient. Moving the display moves the image, creating the feeling of looking through a window into the patient, resulting in instant perception and a direct, intuitive connection between the physician and the anatomy.

Editorial: A 3D window into the body?

If real-time tracking is accurate enough to tell you that Roger Federer’s serve was on the line or that David Beckham’s free kick was indeed over the goal line, then surely tracking systems could help us guide needles and wires into different parts of the body? In this month’s BJUI, Marien et al. give us an insight into the future of access for percutaneous procedures [1]. Currently, percutaneous access to the body for biopsy, renal access or treatment of malignancy is usually based on two-dimensional imaging, with the expertise of the operator compensating for the lack of real-time three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the surgical field. In this paper, the authors hypothesized that integrating virtual reality visualization with real-time position tracking of the needle/instrument would improve navigation. This improvement remains unproven and the study is a first step on that road.

The authors assess the feasibility of a novel method of percutaneous access (TranslucentTM Medical Inc.) using a freely movable tablet display to help guide the percutaneous puncture to its target (see Fig. 1). The success of such a system would rely on a high degree of accuracy and the authors set out to test this in a cadaveric model. Fiducial markers were placed in the kidneys and prostates of cadavers to mimic tumours. A CT scan was then performed to allow 3D model reconstruction. An electromagnetic field was generated around the body and magnetic sensors (fixed to the skin and in the urethral catheter) were used for localization. The software then allows real-time demonstration of the needle trajectory with a predicted line beyond the needle tip overlaid on the 3D model. The authors were able to quickly reach the target (mean time 43 s) with apparent good accuracy, which was calculated to be within 2.5 mm; however, further fiducial markers were deployed at the centre of the target to allow the accurate measurement of accuracy. The distance between the ‘target’ fiducial and the ‘treatment’ fiducial was 16.6 mm in the prostate and 12.0 mm in the kidney. This difference was probably attributable to either movement of the organ or deformation of it from the needle puncture itself. These errors were predominantly in the z-axis (i.e. depth), suggesting that they were caused by movement and deformation by the needle itself, which therefore poses the challenge of how the errors might be reduced, especially when a living human model may have more compliant tissues and of course be moving with respiration.


Figure 1. Tablet screen displaying real-time ‘three-dimensional window into the body’ with real and projected trajectory of needle

The present paper by Marien et al. is not the first report of using tracking for percutaneous access in urology. Using different technology, Rassweiler et al. [2] reported on the percutaneous puncture of the kidney for nephrolithotomy using an iPad with surface skin markers, which were visualized by the rear-facing camera of the iPad, and this information was processed to calculate the location of the tissues beneath based on a preoperative CT. This system, and I suspect all others, will rely on a CT being performed in the exact position of the surgery, which is another limiting step until this can be performed at the same time as the surgery.

There are of course concerns regarding use of this technology. The accuracy was limited when analysing the actual position of the ‘treatment’ fiducial because of movement of the tissues. This is likely to be worse in living tissue. There was no respiratory movement which would probably make accurate tracking difficult, although placement of markers to allow movement tracking may help overcome this. Rodrigues et al. [3] reported high accuracy of percutaneous nephrolithotomy puncture after deployment of an electromagnetic sensor in the target calyx with ureterorenoscopy in a porcine model but without a 3D model.

My major concern is that of false reassurance. A nice image is portrayed on the screen which is believed by the surgeon, while in fact there is a significant mismatch caused by patient/tissue movement, either since the preoperative planning CT scan or intra-operatively. The falsely reassured surgeon then inadvertently damages surrounding organs.

It is clear that this technology is work in progress, but it does offer promise that real-time tracking of a percutaneous needle is possible, with accurate representation on a 3D model reconstruction helping to guide the surgeon to the target.

Matthew Bultitude


Department of Urology, Guys and St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK






Video: Percutaneous targeting using 3D navigation that integrates position-tracking technology with a tablet display

Three-dimensional navigation system integrating position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display for percutaneous targeting

Arnaud Marien, Andre Castro de Luis Abreu, Mihir Desai, Raed A. AzharSameer Chopra, Sunao Shoji, Toru Matsugasumi, Masahiko Nakamoto, Inderbir S. Gill and Osamu Ukimura


USC Institute of Urology, Center for Focal Therapy of Prostate and Kidney Cancer, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA



To assess the feasibility of a novel percutaneous navigation system (Translucent Medical, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA) that integrates position-tracking technology with a movable tablet display.


A total of 18 fiducial markers, which served as the target centres for the virtual tumours (target fiducials), were implanted in the prostate and kidney of a fresh cadaver, and preoperative computed tomography (CT) was performed to allow three-dimensional model reconstruction of the surgical regions, which were registered on the body intra-operatively. The position of the movable tablet’s display could be selected to obtain the best recognition of the interior anatomy. The system was used to navigate the puncture needle (with position-tracking sensor attached) using a colour-coded, predictive puncture-line. When the operator punctured the target fiducial, another fiducial, serving as the centre of the ablative treatment (treatment fiducial), was placed. Postoperative CT was performed to assess the digitized distance (representing the real distance) between the target and treatment fiducials to evaluate the accuracy of the procedure.


The movable tablet display, with position-tracking sensor attached, enabled the surgeon to visualize the three-dimensional anatomy of the internal organs with the help of an overlaid puncture line for the puncture needle, which also had a position-tracking sensor attached. The mean (virtual) distance from the needle tip to the target (calculated using the computer workstation), was 2.5 mm. In an analysis of each digitalized axial component, the errors were significantly greater along the z-axis (P < 0.01), suggesting that the errors were caused by organ shift or deformation.


This virtual navigation system, integrating a position-tracking sensor with a movable tablet display, is a promising advancement for facilitating percutaneous interventions. The movable display over the patient shows a preoperative three-dimensional image that is aligned to the patient. Moving the display moves the image, creating the feeling of looking through a window into the patient, resulting in instant perception and a direct, intuitive connection between the physician and the anatomy.

Urologists in the Yellow Submarine – a Periscope to the World

henry-woo_smOver the last few weeks, there has been a lot of chatter about a new Social Media platform. Just when you thought that we had exhausted all possible ways that people could interact online, live video streaming is the talk of the town.

Last month, two competing live video streaming apps were launched.  Meerkat initially gained popularity quite rapidly, particularly through Twitter, given the ease and immediacy of being able to share your live video streaming with twitter followers. Twitter acquired its competitor, Periscope, and Meerkat’s access to the twitter followers was cut off no sooner than it had began. Already there are arguments as to which of the two platforms are better but I can already sense from user reactions and expert opinion, that Periscope will be the one that will prevail. The might of Twitter will be very difficult to compete with.

Why on earth would urologists be interested in live broadcasts? The obvious application is live streaming of events such as conferences. The default option is perform a public broadcast and this will have particular value when there is an advocacy focus. There is also an option to broadcast privately only to followers of the Periscope account performing the broadcast. The latter may well be the best option for more sensitive material but there are still issues that need to be sorted out.  In particular, there is no simple mechanism to determine which followers should be permitted to follow the broadcasting account in order to see a private live stream. It is inevitable that this will be simplified in the future, as it would be logical for this platform to find a mechanism to attract business users.

As things are at present, one needs to have a twitter account in order to sign on to broadcast using Periscope. This platform is designed for the mobile user – this is both for broadcasting and for watching the live stream.  Attempting to do this on a desktop or laptop website is cumbersome and clumsy from my initial attempts to do so whereas the iOS App was straightforward and intuitive, particularly for those already familiar with the Twitter app.




Note the similarity of the iOS Periscope App with the Twitter App interface.

It is my belief that the first ever Periscope live stream broadcast from a medical conference was performed on Sunday 12 April 2015 at the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand’s (USANZ) Annual Scientific Meeting. Declan Murphy used Periscope to broadcast a message from Prokar Dasgupta, Editor-in-Chief of the BJUI Journal.   The video from the Periscope live stream is below. This first, at least for a urological conference, was tweeted by Declan Murphy.



A couple of hours later, I performed a live video stream from the Social Media session when Imogen Patterson gave an excellent presentation on managing our online reputations. During the feed, observers are able to make comments as well as to demonstrate their approval by tapping their screens to trigger a flow of hearts from the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


This is a screenshot from an unrelated live video feed. From the bottom left, the user is notified of those joining the observation of the feed as well as comments. From the bottom right, hearts float upwards in response to positive taps of the screen by watchers.

There are a few issues with Periscope as it is right now. The feed is only available for 24 hours before disappearing from the Periscope platform, however, a video recording minus the comments and hearts, can be stored in the photo stream on your mobile device. As mentioned before, you must have a twitter account to broadcast although you do not need one to view a broadcast. Thirdly, directed broadcasting should be simplified.

Social media platforms come and go but the ability to live stream is an exciting new development. For Periscope, it is my belief that the potential application for a use in medical education seems boundless. Live broadcasting is no longer the exclusive domain of television and cable networks.


Henry Woo (@drhwoo) is Associate Professor of Surgery at the Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School of the University of Sydney. He is the Editor-in-Chief of BJUI Knowledge, an innovative on-line CME portal that launches this year.


William Steers 1955-2015

William_D._SteersBy Montesbradley (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Last June, we had the great pleasure of hosting Dr. William Steers, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Urology as our guest speaker during the BJUI session at BAUS. He delivered a Prezi presentation entitled “Being Wrong” – an amazing collage of his experiences as a surgeon, innovator, scientist and editor. The lecture struck a chord with many colleagues both senior and junior, purely because of its reflective, personal and candid content. Little did Bill or any of us realise that this would be our last meeting during the British summer.For more information about latest presentation Click drssa. During the USANZ 2015 meeting in Adelaide, we were very sad to hear of his death on the 10 April 2015 after a short battle with cancer. For more info visit cmsmd .


Dr. Steers, born on 19 August 1955, was a Paul Mellon Professor and Chair of the Department of Urology at the School of Medicine of the University of Virginia, President of the American Board of Urology from 2010-2011, initiator of the Charlottesville Men’s Four Miler, and rather proud producer of the wine label from his very own Well Hung Vineyard. Bill was a legend in the world of neuro-urology. He was passionate about Men’s Health and the functional outcomes of robotic assisted radical prostatectomy.

wineryIn addition to his many accomplishments, he was a keen jogger who loved streaming his favourite music on Spotify while editing articles for the Journal of Urology. Bill was a dedicated family man and is survived by his wife, Amy; sons, Colin and Ryan; daughter-in-law, Ali; and grandson, Rex. A celebration of his life will be held on April 18, 2015, from 2-5 pm. at the Steers residence and home of Well Hung Vineyard, Charlottesville, VA.

Bill – your legacy of friendship, collaboration and inspiration for the next generation lives on. For the first time in history, the Journal of Urology led a joint workshop for young international reviewers along with European Urology and the BJUI, during the 2015 meeting of the European Association of Urology in Madrid. We salute your memory as we come to terms with your untimely passing.




Article of the Week: With a previous negative prostate biopsy and a suspicious lesion on MRI, is a 12-core biopsy still necessary in addition to a targeted biopsy?

Every week the Editor-in-Chief selects the Article of the Week from the current issue of BJUI. The abstract is reproduced below and you can click on the button to read the full article, which is freely available to all readers for at least 30 days from the time of this post.

In addition to the article itself, there is an accompanying editorial written by a prominent member of the urological community. This blog is intended to provoke comment and discussion and we invite you to use the comment tools at the bottom of each post to join the conversation.

Finally, the third post under the Article of the Week heading on the homepage will consist of additional material or media. This week we feature a video from Dr. Art R. Rastinehad , discussing his paper. 

If you only have time to read one article this week, it should be this one.

In patients with a previous negative prostate biopsy and a suspicious lesion on magnetic resonance imaging, is a 12-core biopsy still necessary in addition to a targeted biopsy?

Simpa S. Salami*, Eran Ben-Levi, Oksana Yaskiv, Laura Ryniker*, Baris Turkbey§, Louis R. Kavoussi*, Robert Villani† and Ardeshir R. Rastinehad*


*The Arthur Smith Institute for Urology, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, and Department of Pathology, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, New Hyde Park, NY, and § Molecular Imaging Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA


Read the full article

To evaluate the performance of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) in predicting prostate cancer on repeat biopsy; and to compare the cancer detection rates (CDRs) of MRI/transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) fusion-guided biopsy with standard 12-core biopsy in men with at least one previous negative biopsy.


We prospectively enrolled men with elevated or rising PSA levels and/or abnormal digital rectal examination into our MRI/TRUS fusion-guided prostate biopsy trial. Participants underwent a 3 T mpMRI with an endorectal coil. Three radiologists graded all suspicious lesions on a 5-point Likert scale. MRI/TRUS fusion-guided biopsies of suspicious prostate lesions and standard TRUS-guided 12-core biopsies were performed. Analysis of 140 eligible men with at least one previous negative biopsy was performed. We calculated CDRs and estimated area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) of mpMRI in predicting any cancer and clinically significant prostate cancer.


The overall CDR was 65.0% (91/140). Higher level of suspicion on mpMRI was significantly associated with prostate cancer detection (P < 0.001) with an AUC of 0.744 compared with 0.653 and 0.680 for PSA level and PSA density, respectively. The CDRs of MRI/TRUS fusion-guided and standard 12-core biopsy were 52.1% (73/140) and 48.6% (68/140), respectively (P = 0.435). However, fusion biopsy was more likely to detect clinically significant prostate cancer when compared with the 12-core biopsy (47.9% vs 30.7%; P < 0.001). Of the cancers missed by 12-core biopsy, 20.9% (19/91) were clinically significant. Most cancers missed by 12-core biopsy (69.6%) were located in the anterior fibromuscular stroma and transition zone. Using a fusion-biopsy-only approach in men with an MRI suspicion score of ≥4 would have missed only 3.5% of clinically significant prostate cancers.


Using mpMRI and subsequent MRI/TRUS fusion-guided biopsy platform may improve detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in men with previous negative biopsies. Addition of a 12-core biopsy may be needed to avoid missing some clinically significant prostate cancers.

Editorial: A urologists’ guide to the multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI)-galaxy

The rise of multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) for the assessment of patients with suspicion of prostate cancer has led to an enormous shift in the practice of every urologist dealing with frontline diagnostics [1].

At the same time, researchers and industry have identified acres of fruitful soil to place the seeds of their respective interests, sometimes in collaboration with each other producing valuable contributions to this shift in practice, sometimes taking benefits by merely assimilating themselves or their product to this development.

Both, the speed of change and the extent of proliferation, make it almost impossible for by-standing clinicians to keep up and filter the evidence-based essence for their local practice.

There are three important issues that need to be considered:

1 The Quality of mpMRI

The development of mpMRI for prostate assessment occurred over the last decade with well-known leaders pushing the frontiers. Their research benefitted from their individual experience of interpreting and reporting MRIs. This is then reflected in their outcomes in form of cancer detection rates and accuracy. More recently we have identified that achieving these results must involve standardisation of MRI protocols and reading [2-4], systematic training in validated courses and a significant learning curve [5]. The latter is only possible to achieve if the practice is embedded in a collaborative team of radiologists, pathologists and urologists. But even then it may be impossible for local teams to deliver the published accuracy, and the urologists and radiologists need to be mindful of that when counselling patients using mpMRI in their local environment.

2 The Technical and Clinical Validity of MRI-Based Biopsies

Transperineal vs transrectal, targeted alone vs targeted with systematic, cognitive vs fusion biopsies – these are the key debates surrounding the application of mpMRI into the urologists’ armamentarium. For none of them there is or will be a unified answer.

Transrectal approaches suit office-based provision of primary diagnostics in many European and USA health economies; although purists can say that the increasing risk of sepsis from antibiotic-resistant bacteria is not acceptable. But, favouring the less infection-prone transperineal approaches will have impact on theatre capacities even in a hospital-based health system like the UK.

Considering the current real-time quality of mpMRI, systematic biopsies in addition to targeted ones are still necessary. Urologists as a group have to come to an agreement about what is acceptable as a remaining risk when reducing or omitting systematic cores.

Cognitive targeting has been shown to be highly accurate; yet, fusion may offer standardisation and reduce user dependency. Not all fusion software on the market has undergone a thorough validated technical development and clinical accuracy evaluation. Peer-reviewed publications can be found involving the systems Urostation-Koelis, Uronav-Philips, Artemis and BiopSee-Medcom.

3 Translation into Clinical Practice

The positioning of the mpMRI within the assessment algorithm is key to optimise the benefit. Use as a pre-biopsy assessment tool may allow omission of further biopsies in some patients or facilitate targeting [6]. However, an established skill in the use of mpMRI and mpMRI-based biopsy is essential. Many UK centres have started the use of mpMRI in their practice further downstream in patients with persistent suspicion after negative first biopsies with good results for patients. It is already part of guidance that active surveillance should involve the use of MRI [1]. Some leading centres advocate that the diagnosis should be confirmed by MRI-based targeted and systematic biopsies.

Knowing that mpMRI will improve the accuracy of our assessment, we need to re-consider follow-up protocols. Increased certainty should be reflected in an improved cancer-related outcome, better patient experience and reduction in costs for the health system.

Prostate mpMRI as part of the urologists’ armamentarium is here to stay. A standardised team- and evidence-based approach will allow us to remain in control of the destination it leads us to.

Read the full article
Christof Kastner
Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK

Video: Is a 12-core biopsy still necessary in addition to a targeted biopsy?

In patients with a previous negative prostate biopsy and a suspicious lesion on magnetic resonance imaging, is a 12-core biopsy still necessary in addition to a targeted biopsy?

Simpa S. Salami*, Eran Ben-Levi, Oksana Yaskiv, Laura Ryniker*, Baris Turkbey§, Louis R. Kavoussi*, Robert Villani† and Ardeshir R. Rastinehad*


*The Arthur Smith Institute for Urology, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, and Department of Pathology, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, New Hyde Park, NY, and § Molecular Imaging Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA


Read the full article

To evaluate the performance of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) in predicting prostate cancer on repeat biopsy; and to compare the cancer detection rates (CDRs) of MRI/transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) fusion-guided biopsy with standard 12-core biopsy in men with at least one previous negative biopsy.


We prospectively enrolled men with elevated or rising PSA levels and/or abnormal digital rectal examination into our MRI/TRUS fusion-guided prostate biopsy trial. Participants underwent a 3 T mpMRI with an endorectal coil. Three radiologists graded all suspicious lesions on a 5-point Likert scale. MRI/TRUS fusion-guided biopsies of suspicious prostate lesions and standard TRUS-guided 12-core biopsies were performed. Analysis of 140 eligible men with at least one previous negative biopsy was performed. We calculated CDRs and estimated area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) of mpMRI in predicting any cancer and clinically significant prostate cancer.


The overall CDR was 65.0% (91/140). Higher level of suspicion on mpMRI was significantly associated with prostate cancer detection (P < 0.001) with an AUC of 0.744 compared with 0.653 and 0.680 for PSA level and PSA density, respectively. The CDRs of MRI/TRUS fusion-guided and standard 12-core biopsy were 52.1% (73/140) and 48.6% (68/140), respectively (P = 0.435). However, fusion biopsy was more likely to detect clinically significant prostate cancer when compared with the 12-core biopsy (47.9% vs 30.7%; P < 0.001). Of the cancers missed by 12-core biopsy, 20.9% (19/91) were clinically significant. Most cancers missed by 12-core biopsy (69.6%) were located in the anterior fibromuscular stroma and transition zone. Using a fusion-biopsy-only approach in men with an MRI suspicion score of ≥4 would have missed only 3.5% of clinically significant prostate cancers.


Using mpMRI and subsequent MRI/TRUS fusion-guided biopsy platform may improve detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in men with previous negative biopsies. Addition of a 12-core biopsy may be needed to avoid missing some clinically significant prostate cancers.

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